Honors |
Professor A. Kaveh | - Educational Gold Medal: awarded by the Iranian Ministry of Science and Education because of being the first class student during the four years of B.Sc. Course in Civil Engineering, 1965.
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education Award: During 1970-1974 for pursuing studies toward a Ph.D. at Imperial College, London University.
- Alborz Foundation Prize: awarded by Alborz Institute for the Distinguished Engineering Graduate of the Year in Iran, 1969.
- Research Price: awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the selected research, 1977.
- Irano - British Fellowship: awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, 1977.
- Book Prize: awarded by the Ministry of Culture for writing the best book in the field of Engineering, 1984.
- Research Prize: awarded by Iran University of Science and Technology,1985.
- Research Prize: awarded by IUST, 1989,1990 and 1993.
- Kharazmi Research Prize, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 1994.
- Research Prize: awarded by IUST, 1994.
- Press Media Prize for Scientific Publications: Ministry of Culture IRI, 1995.
- Distinguished Civil Engineering Research Award, Building and Housing Research Centre, 1996. Distinguished Civil Engineering Research Award, Building and Housing Research Centre, 1996.
- Book Prize for the Best Engineering book in English: Ministry of Culture IRI, 1997.
- Gold Medal of 2000, ABI, 1999.
- Research Prize, Iran University of Science and Technology, 1999.
- Distinguished Professor of Iran, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 2000.
- Selected researcher of the Iran University of Science and Technology, 2000.
- National Project Award at IUST, 2000.
- Distinguished Researcher award of Iran, Ministry of Science and Research and Technology, 2000.
- Memorable Scientist of Iran in the field of Engineering, Academy of Sciences and Press Media, 2001.
- Selected researcher of the Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001 and 2002.
- Distinguished Researcher award of Iran, Ministry of Science and Research and Technology, 2004.
- Distinguished Researcher award, IUST, 2004 and 2005.
- Distinguished Researcher award, IUST, 2006.
- Distinguished Researcher award of Iran, Ministry of Science and Research and Technology, 2006.
- Distinguished Researcher award, IUST, 2007.
- Rank 1, Research Section, the First Iranian Civil Engineering Festival, 2008.
- Rank 1, International books Section, the First Iranian Civil Engineering Festival, 2008.
- Rank 1, Fundamental Research Section, the Scond Yadvaree (Festival) Iranian Civil Engineering, Building and Housing Research Centre, 2008.
- Distinguished Researcher award, IUST, 2009.
- Distinguished Researcher award, Civil Engineering, IUST, 2010.
| Professor M.H. Baziar | - Distinguish transla ted book in the field of Civil E ngineering, for the book M.H.Soil Mechanics, Lambe and whitmanM.H., Amirkabir University of Technology, 2006
- Distinguish author in the Civil engineering field, for the book M.H.Soil DynamicsM.H., Amirkabir University of Technology, 2004
- Due to high scholastic achievement during studying in RPI, Bed- Ford Prize was awarded as the best civil engineering graduate student, 1991
| Professor E. Salajegheh | - Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of Kerman University in 1990 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Kerman University in 1995 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Iranian Society of Civil Engineers in 1996 and was presented an award by the Minister of Housing and Planning.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the 2nd. Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 1997 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of Kerman University.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the 3rd. Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 1998 and was presented an award by the Governor of Kerman.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of the Universities of Iran by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 1998 and was presented an award by the President of Iran.
- Biographical Data published in the 15th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA, 1998.
- Biographical Data published in the Twenty-Seventh Edition of Dictionary of International Biography, IBC, Cambridge, England, 1999.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Professor" of Kerman University in 2001 and was presented an award by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology.
- Biographical Data published in the Asian/American Who's Who, India, 2001.
- Presented an award by the Chancellor of Kerman University and Vice Minister of Science, Research and Technology for organizing a National Short Course on Space Structures, 2001.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of Kerman University in 2001 and was presented an award by the Chancellor of the University.
- Chosen as the "Man of the Year 2001" by American Biographical Institute (ABI).
- Winner of the Afzalipour Prize, an award was presented by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, University of Kerman, Iran, 2005.
- Biographical Data published in the 2005 Edition of Who’s Who in Computational Science and Engineering, Saxe-Coburg Publications, UK, ISBN 1-874672-18-0, 2005.
- Chosen as the "Distinguished Researcher" of the Scientific and Cultural Festival of Kerman Province in 2007 and was presented an award by the Governor of Kerman.
| Professor M.P. Saka | - TELFORD PREMIUM: Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London in 1979 for the paper titled The Theorems of Structural Variation Generalized for Rigidly Jointed Frames published in Proceedings of ICE, London, U.K. together with Prof. K. I. Majid and Dr. T. Celik.
- Given an Academic Excellence Award by the University Administration for his outstanding academic performance in College of Engineering between 1994-1996 .
- Included in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, in each volume from 1998 to 2005.
- Included in 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, International Biographical Center, Cambridge CB2 3QP, England .