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آدرس: تهران، میدان رسالت،

خیابان هنگام،

 دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

دانشکده عمران، طبقه سوم،

دفتر قطب علمی پژوهش‌های بنیادین در مهندسی سازه

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استادمرتبه علمی
مکانیک گروه

2322-268 315+


6586 و 6588

 ahmadi AT clarkson.eduپست الکترونیکی

تاریخ اخذ

محل تحصیلرشته تحصیلی


1970دانشگاه پوردو امریکامهندسی مکانیکدکترا
1968دانشگاه پوردو امریکامهندسی مکانیکفوق لیسانس
1965دانشگاه فنی تهرانمهندسی مکانیککارشناسی
زمینه‌های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی
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  • رئیس دانشکده مهندسی دانشگاه کلارکسون، از سال 2005 تاکنون

  • استاد مدعو دانشکده مهندسی عمران و زمین‌شناسی در دانشگاه پرینستون امریکا،  1975.

  • استادیار دانشگاه شیراز، از سال 1970 تا 1972.

  • دانشیار دانشگاه شیراز، از سال 1972 تا 1976.

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سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

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  • مکانیک مایعات

مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین‌المللی (ISI, ISC)  

  1. Chen, Q., and Ahmadi, G., Deposition of Particles in a Turbulent Pipe Flow, J. Aerosol Science, 28(1997) 789-796. 

  2. Fan, F.G., Soltani, M., Ahmadi, G. and S. Hart, Flow-Induced Resuspension of Rigid-Link Fibers from Surfaces, Aerosol Sci. Technology, 27(1997) 97-115. 

  3. Lee-Glauser, G.J., Horta, L.G. and Ahmadi, G., Integrated Passive/Active Vibration Absorber for Multistory Buildings, J. Structural Engineering, 123(1997) 499-504. 

  4. Soltani, M., Fan, F.G., Ahmadi, G. and S. Hart, Detachment of Rigid-Link Fibers with Linkage Contact in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol. 11(1997) 1017-1937. 

  5. Fan, F.G., Ahmadi, G. and Noori, M., A Thermodynamically Consistent Model for Hysteretic Material, Iranian J. Sci. Technol., 21(1997) 257-278. 

  6. Smith, D.H., Powell, V., Ahmadi, G. and Ibrahim, H., Analysis of Operational Filtration Data, Part I. Ideal Candle Filter Behavior, Powder Technology, 94(1997) 15-21. 

  7. Ellison, J., Ahmadi, G. and C. Grodsinsky, C., Stochastic Response of Passive Vibration Control Systems to g-Jitter Excitation, Microgravity Science Technology, 10(1997) 2-12.

  8. Soltani, M., Ounis H., Ahmadi, G. and McLaughlin, J.B. Direct Numerical Simulation of Charged Particle Deposition in a Turbulent Flow, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 24(1988) 77-94,. 

  9. Smith, D.H., Powell, V. and Ahmadi, G. Analysis of Operational Filtration Data, Part II. Incomplete Cleaning of Candle Filters, Powder Technology, 97(1998) 139-145. 

  10. Elliott, K.E., Ahmadi, G. and Kvasnak, W., Couette Flows of Granular Monolayer - An 

  11. Experimental Study, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 74(1998) 89-111. 

  12. Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Particle Transport and Deposition in a Hot-Gas Cleanup Pilot Plant, Aerosol Science and Technology, 29(1998) 183-205. 

  13. Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Gas Flow and Particle Deposition in the Hot-Gas Filter Vessel at the Tidd 70 MWE PFBC Demonstration Plant, Aerosol Science and Technology, 29(1998) 206-223. 

  14. Smith, D.H., Powell, V. Ahmadi, G. and M. Ferer, Analysis of Operational Filtration Data, Part III. Re-entrainment and Incomplete Cleaning of Dust Cake, Aerosol Science and Technology, 29(1998) 224-235. 

  15. Smith, D.H. and Ahmadi, G., Problem and Progress in Hot-Gas Filtration for Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor (PFBC) and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), Aerosol Science and Technology, 29(1998) 163-169. 

  16. He, C. and Ahmadi, G., Particle Deposition with Thermophoresis in Laminar and Turbulent Duct Flows, Aerosol Science and Technology, 29(1998) 525-546. 

  17. Ahmadi, G. and Chen, Q., Dispersion and Deposition of Particles in a Turbulent Pipe Flow with Sudden Expansion, J. Aerosol Science, 29(1998) 1097-1116. 

  18. Ahmadi, G., Particle Transport and Filtration in a Pilot Plant Hot-Gas Cleaning System, J. Iranian Mech. Eng., 3(1998) 21-28. 

  19. He, C. and Ahmadi, G., Particle Deposition in a Nearly Developed Turbulent Duct Flow with Electrophoresis, J. Aerosol Science, 30(1999) 739-758. 

  20. Soltani, M. and Ahmadi, G., Detachment of Rough Particles with Electrostatic Attraction From Surfaces in Turbulent Flows, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 13(1999) 325-355. 

  21. Zhang, F., Busnaina, A.A., and Ahmadi, G., Particle Adhesion and Removal in Chemical 

  22. Mechanical Polishing and Post-CMP Cleaning, J. Electrochemical Soc., 147(1999) 2665-2669. 

  23. Soltani, M. and Ahmadi, G., Charged Particle Trajectory Statistics and Deposition in a Turbulent Channel Flow, Aerosol Science Technology, 31(1999) 170-186. 

  24. Ellison, J., Ahmadi, G. and Kehoe, M.W. Vibration Control of Airborne Equipment Using a Circular Ring, In Stochastics Structural Dynamics, Ed. Spencer, Jr., B.F., and Johnson, E.A., Balkenma, Rotterdam (1999). 

  25. Ahmadi, G. and Li, A., Computer Simulation of Particle Transport and Deposition Near a Small Isolated Building, J. Wind Energy Industrial Aerodynamics, 84(2000) 23-46 . 

  26. Soltani, M., Ahmadi, G. and Hart, S. C., Electrostatic Effects on Resuspension of Rigid-Link Fibers in Turbulent Flows, Colloids Surfaces, Vol. 165, pp. 189-208 (2000). 

  27. Zhang, H. and Ahmadi, G., Aerosol Particle Transport and Deposition in Vertical and Horizontal Turbulent Duct Flows, J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 406, pp. 55-80 (2000). 

  28. Aidun, D.K., Domey, J.J. and Ahmadi, G., Effect of High Gravity on Weld Fusion Zone Shape, Welding Research Supplement, pp. 1-s-4s, June (2000). 

  29. Vafai, A., Hamidi, M. and Ahmadi, G., A Simple Method for Analysis of Sliding Structures Considering Variation of Friction Coefficient, J. Earthquake Engineering., 4(2000) 233-250. 

  30. Fan, F.G. and Ahmadi, G., Wall Deposition of Small Ellipsoids From Turbulent Air Flows – A Brownian Dynamics Simulation, J. Aerosol Science Vol. 31, pp. 1205-1229 (2000). 

  31. Cao, J. and Ahmadi, G., Gas-Particle Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal and Inclined Ducts, Int. J. Engineering Science, Vol. 38, pp. 1961-1981 (2000). 

  32. Soltani, M. and Ahmadi, G., Direct Numerical Simulation of Curly Fibers in Turbulent Channel Flow, Aerosol Science Technology, Vol. 33, pp. 392-418 (2000). 

  33. Ahmadi, G., He, C., Ban, H. and Stencel, J.M., Air Flow and Particle Transport in Triboelectric Coal/Ash Cleaning System-Counter Flowing Straight Duct Design, Particulate Science Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 213-256 (2000). 

  34. Shams, M., Ahmadi, G. and Rahimzadeh, H., A Sublayer Model for Deposition of Nano- and Micro-Particles in Turbulent Flows, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 55, pp. 6097-6107 (2000). 

  35. Zhang, H. and Ahmadi, G., Aerosol Particle Removal and Re-entrainment in Turbulent Flows- A Direct Numerical Simulation Approach, J. Adhesion, Vol. 74, pp. 441-493 (2000).  

  36. Ji, C., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Natural Gas Production from Hydrate Decomposition by Depressurization, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 56, pp. 5801-5814 (2001). 

  37. Ahmadi, G. and Xia, X., A Model for Mechanical Wear and Abrasive Particle Adhesion During the Chemical Mechanical Polishing Process, Journal Electrochemical Society, Vol. 148, pp. G99-G109 (2001). 

  38. Rofooei, F.R., Mobarake, A. and Ahmadi, G., Generation of Artificial Earthquake Records with a Nonstationary Kanai-Tajimi Model, Engineering Structures, Vol. 23, pp. 827-837 (2001). 

  39. Zhang, H., Ahmadi, G., Fan, F.-G. and McLaughlin, J.B., Ellipsoidal Particles Transport and Deposition in Turbulent Channel Flows, International Journal Multiphase Flows, Vol. 27, pp. 971-1009 (2001). 

  40. Vafai, A., Hamidi, M. and Ahmadi, G., Numerical Modeling of MDOF Structures with Sliding Supports Using Rigid-Plastic Link, Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, Vol. 30, pp. 27-42 (2001). 

  41. Zhang, H. and Ahmadi, G., Particles Transport and Deposition in the Hot-Gas Filter Vessel at Wilsonville, Powder Technology, Vol. 116, pp. 53-68 (2001). 

  42. Ahmadi, G. and Q. Chen, Numerical Particles Transport and Dispersion in Turbulent Pipe Flows, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Vol. 25, pp. 199-219 (2001). 

  43. Shams, M., Ahmadi, G. and Rahimzadeh, H., Transport and Deposition of Flexible fibers in Turbulent Duct Flows, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 32, pp. 525-547 (2001). 

  44. Zhang, H. and Ahmadi, G., Aerosol Particle Removal and Re-entrainment in Turbulent Flows- A Direct Numerical Simulation Approach, in “Particle Adhesion: Application and Advances,” Edited by D.J.Quesnel, D.S. Rimai and L.H.Sharpe, Taylor and Francis, New York (2001) pp. 441-493. 

  45. Ahmadi, G. and He, C. Simulation of Particles Transport and Deposition in a Combustor, Chemical Engineering Communication, Vol. 187, pp. 23-53 (2001). 

  46. Ellison, J., Ahmadi, G. and Kehoe, M.W. Passive Vibration Control of Airborne Equipment Using a Circular Ring, Journal Sound and Vibration, Vol. 246, pp. 1-28, (2001). 

  47. Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Analysis of Steady State Filtration and Backpulse Process in a Hot-Gas Cleanup Filter Vessel, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 36, pp. 665-677 (2002). 

  48. Aghababaii Mobarake, A., Rofooei, F.R., and Ahmadi, G., Simulation of Earthquake Records Using Time-Varying ARMA (2,1) Model, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 17, pp. 15-34 (2002). 

  49. Mansoori, Z., Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H and Ahmadi, G., Modeling of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Gas-Solid Flow, International Journal Heat Mass and Transfer, Vol. 45, pp. 1173-1184 (2002). 

  50. Aidun, D.K., Doomey, J.J., and Ahmadi, G., Digital Simulation of a Stationary and a Linear Weld, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, Vol. 33B, pp. 101-110 (2002). 

  51. Mazaheri, A.R. and Ahmadi, G., Modeling the Effect of Bumpy Abrasive Particles on Chemical Mechanical Polishing, Journal Electrochemical Society, Vol. 149, pp. G370-G375 (2002). 

  52. Ji, C., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Experimental and Computational Study of Fluid Flow Phenomena in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Journal of Energy and Environment Research, Vol. 2, pp. 99-108 (2002). 

  53. Marzbanrad, J., Ahmadi, G., Hojjat, Y. and Zohoor, H., Optimal Active Control of a Vehicle Suspension System including Time Delay and Preview for Rough Roads, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 8, pp. 967-991 (2002). 

  54. Shams, M., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Computational Modeling of Flow and Sediment Transport and Deposition in Meandering Rivers, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 25, pp. 689-699 (2002). 

  55. Mansoori, Z., Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Ahmadi, G., and Lain. S., Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Gas-Solid Flows Including Particle Collisions, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, pp. 792-806 (2002). 

  56. Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Gas Flow and Particle Deposition in the Hot-Gas Filter Vessel of the Pinon Pine Project, Powder Technology Vol. 128, pp. 1–10 (2002). 

  57. Gamwo, I.K., Halow, J.S. and Ahmadi, G., Nonisothermal Simulation of Flows in the Hot-Gas Filter Vessel at Wilsonville, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 45-58 (2002). 

  58. Yip, W.K., Shen, M., Cheng, M.C., Fithen, R and Ahmadi, G., Hydrodynamic Modeling of Short-Channel Devices Using an Upwind Flux Vector Splitting Scheme, Computer Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. Vol. 191, pp. 5427–5445 (2002). 

  59. Shams, M., Rahimzadeh, H., and Ahmadi, G., Deposition of Various Shapes Particles on a Rough Surface in Turbulent Flows, IJE Transaction B, Vol. 15, pp. 299-310 (2002). 

  60. Xia, X. and Ahmadi, Surface Removal Rate in Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, Particulate Science Technology, Vol. 20, pp. 187-196 (2002). 

  61. Ji, C., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Constant Rate Natural Gas Production from a Well in a Hydrate Reservoir, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 44, pp. 2403-2423 (2003) 

  62. Mazaheri, A.R., Ahmadi, G., and Gamwo, I., Hot-Gas Flow and Particles Transport and Deposition in a Candle Filter Vessel, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 14, pp. 111-125 (2003). 

  63. Cheng, M.C., Wettimuny, R., Habitz, P. and Ahmadi, G., Thermal Simulation for SOI Devices Using Thermal-Circuit Models and Device Simulation, Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 47, pp. 345–351 (2003). 

  64. Hamidi, M., El Naggar, M.H., Vafai, A., and Ahmadi, G., Seismic Isolation of Buildings with Sliding Concave Foundation (SCF), Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, Vol. 32, pp. 15-29 (2003). 

  65. Mazaheri, A.R. and Ahmadi, G., A Model for Effect of Colloidal Forces on Chemical Mechanical Polishing, Journal Electrochemical Society, Vol. 150, pp. G233-G239 (2003). 

  66. Ahmadi, G., He, C., Smith, D.H. and Ramer, E., Gas Flow and Particle Transport and Deposition in a Pilot –Scale Furnace, Particulate Science Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 375-386 (2003). 

  67. Jha, R., Pausley, M. and Ahmadi, G., Optimal Active Control of Launch Vibration of Space Structures, AIAA Journal Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 40, pp. 868-874 (2003). 

  68. Abouali, O., Alishahi, M.M., Emdad, H. and Ahmadi, G., Dual-Code Thin-Layer Parabolized Navier-Stokes Strategy for Supersonic Flow over Spinning Bodies, AIAA Journal Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 40, pp. 893-897 (2003). 

  69. Toscano, C. and Ahmadi, G., Particle Removal Mechanisms in Cryogenic Surface Cleaning, J. Adhesion Vol. 79, 175-201 (2003). 

  70. Ahmadi, G., Mazahri, A.R. and, Smith, D.H. A Model for Multiphase Flows through Poroelastic Media, Journal Porous Media, Vol. 6, pp. 249-262 (2003). 

  71. Ahmadi, G., Ji, C. and Smith, D.H., Numerical Simulation of Natural Gas Production from Methane Hydrate Dissociation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 269-285 (2004). 

  72. Schmidt, R., Glauser, M. and Ahmadi, G., Flow and Turbulence Condition in the Wake of a HSection in Cross Flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 19, pp. 193-207 (2004). 

  73. Chrigui, M., Sadiki, A. and Ahmadi, G., Study of Interaction in Spray between evaporating Droplets and Turbulence Using Second Order Turbulence RANS Modelling and a Lagrangian Approach, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 4, pp. 162-174 (2004). 

  74. Kvasnak, W., Ahmadi, G. and Schmidt, D.J., An Engineering Model for the Fuel Spray Formation of Deforming Droplets, Atomization and Spray, Vol. 14, pp. 289-339 (2004). 

  75. Mansoori, Z., Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., and Ahmadi, G., Experimental Study of Turbulent Gas-Solid Heat Transfer with Different Particle Temperatures, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 28, pp. 655-665 (2004). 

  76. Marzbanrad, J., Ahmadi, G., and Jha, R., Optimal Preview Active Control of Structures During Earthquake, Engineering Structures, Vol. 26, pp. 1463-1471 (2004). 

  77. Cheng, M.C., Yu, F., Habitz, P. and Ahmadi, G., Analytical Heat Flow Modeling of Silicon-on-Insulator Devices, Solid State Electronics, Vol. 48, pp. 415-426 (2004). 

  78. Marzbanrad, J., Ahmadi, G., Zohoor, H., and Hojjat, Y., Stochastic Optimal Preview Control of a Vehicle Suspension, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 275, pp. 973-990 (2004). 

  79. Cheng, M.C., Yu, F., Jun, L., Shen, M. and Ahmadi, G., Steady-State and Dynamic Thermal Models for Heat Flow Analysis of Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 44, pp. 381-396 (2004). 

  80. Yu, F., Cheng, M.C., Wettimuny, R., Habitz, P. and Ahmadi, G., Modeling of Thermal Behavior in Silicon-On-Insulator Structures, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, Vol. 51, pp. 83-91 (2004). 

  81. Ferer, M., Ji, C., Bromhal, G.S., Cook, J., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D. H., Cross-Over from Capillary Fingering to Viscous Fingering for Immiscible Unstable Flows: Experiment and Modeling, Physical Review E, Vol. 70, 016330, pp. 1-7 (2004). 

  82. Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G. and Fan, F-G. Coupling Effects of the Flow and Electric Fields in Electrostatic Precipitators, J. Applied Physics, Vol. 97, pp.7002-7010 (2004).  

  83. Liu, C. and Ahmadi, G., Computer Simulation of Pollutant Transport and Deposition Near Peace Bridge, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol. 23, pp. 109-127 (2005). 

  84. Bastaninejad, M. and Ahmadi, G., Modeling the Effects of Abrasive Size Distribution, Adhesion, and Surface Plastic Deformation on Chemical-Mechanical Polishing, J. Electrochemical Soc., Vol. 152, pp. G720-G730 (2005). 

  85. Zerai, B., Saylor, B.Z., Kadambi, J.R., Oliver, M.J., Mazaheri, A.R., Ahmadi, G., Bromhal, G.S., and Smith, D.H., Flow Characterization Through a Network Cell Using Particle Image Velocimetry, Transport in Porous Media , Vol. 69, pp. 159-181 (2005). 

  86. Shams, M., Mosavi, Naeeunian, M., Ahmadi, G., Mathematical Simulation of Flexible Fiber Dispersion in a Homogenous Turbulent Flow, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) International Journal, Series B, Fluid and Thermal Engineering., Vol. 48, No.3, pp. 555-561 (2005). 

  87. Ahmadi, G., Zhang, H., Han. R. and Greenspan, B., Removal of Particle Pairs from a Plane Surface, J. Adhesion, Vol. 81, pp. 1-24 (2005). 

  88. Mansoori, Z., Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., Dabir, B., and Ahmadi, G., Inter-Particle Heat Transfer in a Riser of Gas–Solid Turbulent Flows, Powder Technology, Vol. 159, pp. 35-45 (2005). 

  89. Liu, C. and Ahmadi, G., Transport and Deposition of Particles Near a Building Model, Building and Environment, Vol. 41, pp. 828–836 (2006). 

  90. Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G., Wang, Z., Hopke, P.K., Su, W-C., Cheng, Y-S., and Leonard, D., Airflow and Deposition of Nano-Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G. and Fan, F-G. Variations of Airflow and Electric Fields in a Corona Device during Charging of a Moving Dielectric Substrate, J. Imaging Science Technology, Vol. 50, pp. 375-385 (2006). 

  91. Nazridoust, K. and Ahmadi, G., Airflow and Pollutant Transport in Street Canyons, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 94, pp. 491-522 (2006). 

  92. Ahmadi, G., Recent Advances in Multiphase Flows Through Porous and Fractured Media, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, pp. 321-334 (2006). 

  93. Nazridoust, K., Ahmadi, G., and Smith, D.H., A New Friction Factor Correlation for Laminar, Single-Phase Flows through Rock Fractures, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 329, pp. 315-328 (2006). 

  94. Ahmadi, G., Cao, J., Schneider, L., and Sadiki, A. A Thermodynamic Formulation for Chemically Active Multiphase Turbulent Flows, International Journal Engineering Science, Vol. 44, pp. 699-720 (2006). 

  95. Ahmadi, G., Guo, S., and Zhang, X., Particle Adhesion and Detachment in Turbulent Flows Including Capillary Forces, J. Particulate Science Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 59-76 (2007). 

  96. Ahmadi, G. and Guo, S., Bumpy Particle Adhesion and Removal in Turbulent Flows Including Electrostatic and Capillary Forces, Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 83, pp. 1-23 (2007). 

  97. Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G. and Fan, F-G. Effects of Corotron Size and Parameters on the Dielectric Substrate Surface Charge, J. Electrostatics, Vol. 65, pp. 707-720 (2007). 

  98. Tian, L. and Ahmadi, G., Particle Deposition in Turbulent Duct Flows-Comparisons of Different Model Predictions, J. Aerosol Science, Vol. 38, pp. 377-397 (2007). 

  99. Ahmadi, G., Ji, C. and Smith, D.H., Production of Natural Gas from Methane Hydrate by a Constant Downhole Pressure Well, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 48, pp. 2053-2068 (2007). 

  100. Ahmadi, G., Ji, C. and Smith, D.H., Natural Gas Production from Hydrate Dissociation: An Axisymmetric Model, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 58. pp. 245-258 (2007). 

  101. Zhang, H., Ahmadi, G., and Asgharian, B., Transport and Deposition of Angular Fibers in Turbulent Channel Flows, Aerosol Science Technology, Vol. 41, pp. 529-548 (2007). 

  102. A. Nikbakht, O. Abouali and G. Ahmadi, Nano-Particle Beam Focusing in Aerodynamic Lenses–An Axisymmetric Model, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 14, pp. 263-272 (2007). 

  103. Nasrollahi, A., Salehi Neyshabouri, S.A.A., Ahmadi, G., and Namin, M.M., Numerical Simulation of Particle Saltation Process, Particulate Science and Technology, Vol.  26, pp. 529-550 (2008) 

  104. Rostami, M., Ardeshir, A., Ahmadi, G. and Thomas, P.G., On the Effect of Gravitational and Hydrodynamic Forces on Particle Motion in a Quiescent Fluid at High Particle Reynolds Numbers, Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 86, pp. 791-799  (2008). 

  105. Shanley, K.T., Zamankhan, P., Ahmadi, G., Hopke, P.K., Cheng, Y-S., Numerical Simulations Investigating the Regional and Overall Deposition Efficiency of the Human Nasal Cavity, Journal of Toxicology, Vol. 20, pp. 1093-1100 (2008). 

  106. Shams, M., Ahmadi, G. and Smith, D.H., Sensitivity of Flow and Sediment Transport in Meandering Rivers to Scale Effects and Flow Rate, Environmental Engineering Science, Vol. 25, pp. 747-756 (2008). 

  107. Crandall, D., Ahmadi, G., Ferer, M., Smith, D.H., Distribution and Occurrence of Localized-Bursts in Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media, Physica A, Vol. 388, pp. 574_584 (2009). 

  108. Inthavong, K., Tu, J., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Modelling of Gas-Particle Flows with Different Particle Morphology in the Human Nasal Cavity, J. Computational Multiphase Flows, Vol. 1, pp. 57-82 (2009). 

  109. Abouali, O., Nikbakht, A., Ahmadi, G., and Saadabadi, S., Three-Dimensional Simulation of Brownian Motion of Nano-Particles in Aerodynamic Lenses, Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 205-215 (2009). 

  110. Razmi, A., Firoozabadi, B., and Ahmadi, G., Experimental and Numerical Approach to Enlargement of Performance of Primary Settling Tanks, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 1-12 (2009). 

  111. Moshfegh, A., Shams, M., Ahmadi, G., and Ebrahimi, R., A Novel Surface-Slip Correction for Microparticles Motion, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.  Aspects, Vol.  345, pp. 112–120 (2009). 

  112. Nasr, H., Ahmadi, G. and McLaughlin, J.B., A DNS Study of Effects of Particle–Particle Collisions and Two-Way Coupling on Particle Deposition and Phasic Fluctuations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 640, pp. 507–536 (2009). 

  113. Asadi, B., Saidi, M. H., Taeibi-Rahni M., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Simulation of Hydrodynamic Convection in Rising Bubble under Microgravity Condition, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions  A: Basics, Vol. 22,  pp. 295-305 (2009). 

  114. Afshar, H., Shams, M., Nainian, S.M.M., and Ahmadi, G., Microchannel Heat Transfer and Dispersion of Nanoparticles in Slip Flow Regime with Constant Heat Flux, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, pp.  1060-1066 (2009). 

  115. Saidi, M. H., Taeibi-Rahni M., Asadi, B., and Ahmadi, G., Computational Simulation of Marangoni Convection under Microgravity Condition, Scientia Iranica, Transcation B: Mechanical Engineering Vol 16, 513-524 (2009).

  116. Behzad, F., Mansoori, Z, Saffar-Avval, M., Basirat Tabrizi, H., and Ahmadi, G., Thermal Stochastic Collision Model in Turbulent Gas-Solid Pipe Flows, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53  pp. 1175-1182  (2010). 

  117. Azizi, S., Hosseini, S.H., Ahmadi, G., and Moraveji, M., Numerical Simulation of Particles Segregation in Bubbling Gas-Fluidized Beds,  Chemical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 33, 421-432  (2010). 

مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس‌های بین‌المللی داخلی و خارجی

  1. Granular and Two-Phase Flow Modeling, DOE Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV (June 1987).

  2. Introduction to Random Vibration, Short Course given at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (July 1987).

  3. Modeling Multiphase Flows, CELANES Company, Morristown, NJ (April 1989).

  4. Recent Developments in Modeling Granular Flows, Turbulent Flows and Two-phase Multiphase Flows, DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA (July 1989).

  5. Earthquakes and Base Isolation against Ground Motion, in the CARL GUNNARD JOHNSON Colloquium Series at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (October 1989).

  6. Continental Drift, Plate Tectonic and Earthquake Engineering, SUNY-Binghamton (March 1990).

  7. Review of Base Isolation Techniques Against Earthquakes, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Shiraz, Iran (May 16, 1990).

  8. Recent Developments in Aseismic Base Isolation Design Strategy, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 29, 1990).

  9. Seismicity of Iran and New Techniques for Earthquake Resisting Design Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 30, 1990).

  10. Potential Base Isolation Techniques for Masonry and Adobe Structures, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran (June 11, 1990).

  11. Earthquake Risk Assessment of Iran and Base Isolation Techniques, Society of Structural Engineers, Tehran, Iran (June 13, 1990).

  12. Research Methodology in Science and Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (June 19, 1990).

  13. Recent Developments in Thermodynamical Modeling of Granular, Single and Multiphase Turbulent Flows, University of Poitier, Poitier, France (June 25, 1990).

  14. Fluid Mechanics of Aerosol Dispersion, Short Course AHE-2, 21st Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, San Diego, CA (August 21, 1991).

  15. Earthquakes and Base Isolation Design Strategy, Alfred University, Alfred, NY (September 20,1990).

  16. On Thermodynamical Modeling of Single and Multiphase Turbulent Flows, NASA-MARSHALL Space Flight Center, Hunsville, AL (October 9, 1990).

  17. Recent Developments in Simulation Methods for Particle Transport, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (October 11, 1990).

  18. On Thermodynamically Consistent Turbulence Modeling, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (February 19, 1991).

  19. Numerical Experiments on Mechanics of Aerosols, DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA (February 20, 1991).

  20. From Mechanics of Aerosols to Simulation of Microcontamination Process, Twentieth Annual Corporate Contamination Control Seminar, IBM Technical Educational Center, Thornwood, NY (April 22, 1991).

  21. Two-Phase Flow Analysis, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (June 12, 1991).

  22. Base Isolation Systems, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (June 17, 1991).

  23. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics of Aerosols with Applications to Microcontamination Control, Short Course CCR-14, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, San Jose, CA (August 1, 1991).

  24. Overview of Aerosol Transport in Turbulent Flows, DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA (August 13, 1991).

  25. Overview of Dust Particles Migration and Deposition Processes, IBM-Endicott, Endicott, NY (September 17, 1991).

  26. Overview of Computational Modeling of Aerosols Dispersion and Deposition in Turbulent Flows, University of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan. Co-Sponsored with the Japan Society of Powder Technology and the Information Center of Powder Technology of Japan. (September 30, 1991).

  27. Particle Transport and Deposition in Complex Turbulent Flows, DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA (April 23, 1992).

  28. Mechanics of Aerosols, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (June 13-16, 1992).

  29. Trend of Engineering Research in the Next Decade, Panel Discussion, Academy of Science of Iran, Tehran, Iran (June 21, 1992). 

  30. Random Vibrations with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Recent Developments in Passive and Active Control, Short Course given at the International Institute for Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran (June 23-26, 1992).

  31. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics of Aerosols with Applications to Microcontamination Control, Short Course CCR-4, 23nd Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, Las Vegas, Nevada (July 13, 1992)

  32. Aerosol Transport in Turbulent Flows - A Computational Modeling Approach, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. Co-Sponsored by the Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Departments. (October 7, 1992).

  33. The Role of Computational Methods in Engineering, Panel Chairman, Closing Ceremony of the International Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 2-6, 1993.

  34. Overview of Computational Modeling of Particle Transport and Deposition Processes, Amir Kabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran (May 17, 1993).

  35. Passive Control Strategies for Aseismic Design, Tarbiat Modars University, Tehran, Iran (May 23, 1993).

  36. Overview of Base Isolation Design Strategy, Amir Kabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran (May 24, 1993).

  37. On Computational Modeling of Granular and Dense Turbulent Two-Phase Flows, DOE Pittsburgh Energy Technology Research Center, Pittsburgh, PA (August 24, 1993).

  38. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics of Aerosols with Applications to Microcontamination Control, Short Course CCR-2, The 24th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society, and First International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, Chicago, Illinois, (August 27, 1993).

  39. Particle Transport, Deposition and Resuspension in Turbulent Flows, 1966-1993, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN (October 14, 1993).

  40. Engineering Education in 21 Century, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, (April 4, 1994).

  41. Recent Advances in Particle Transport Analysis - Dilute and Dense Flows, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV (June 10. 1994).

  42. Computational Modeling of Particle and Fiber Transport and Deposition, Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY (August 19, 1994).

  43. Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, IBM Corporation, Burlington, VT (August 29, 1994).

  44. Recent Development in Computer Simulation of Particle Transport and Deposition in the Upper Tracheobronchial Tree, Symposium on Pharmaceutical Aspect of Drug Delivery to Lungs, Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceutical Sciences, SUNY-Plattsburgh College Center, Plattsburgh, NY (October 11, 1994).

  45. Flow-Induced Resuspension of Rigid-Link Fibers from Surfaces, Xerox Corporation, Rochester, NY (May 3, 1995).

  46. Research Techniques in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 23, 1995).

  47. Recent Development on Vibration Control of Equipment Aboard Spacecraft, Amir Kabir University, (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), Tehran, Iran, (May 30, 1995).

  48. Base Isolation and Active Control Techniques for Earthquake Protection of Structures, Amir Kabir University, (Dept. of Civil Engineering), Tehran, Iran, (May 31, 1995).

  49. Recent Development on Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and

  50. Resuspension, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, (June 6, 1995).

  51. Recent Trends in Engineering Education and Engineering Research Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, (June 7, 1995).

  52. Passive and Active Vibration Control Strategies for Earthquake Resisting Structural Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, (June 10, 1995).

  53. Vibration Control of Equipment-From Lift-Off to Orbit, Iran University of Science and

  54. Technology, Tehran, Iran, (June 12, 1995).

  55. Aerosols - Computational and Experimental Techniques, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, (June 14, 1995).

  56. Particle - Turbulence Interactions - Part I, Dilute Flows, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV (September 13, 1995).

  57. Particle - Turbulence Interactions - Part II, Dense Flows, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV (September 20, 1995).

  58. Modeling of Granular and Dense Two-Phase Flows, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (October 26, 1995).

  59. Particles Transport and Deposition in Turbulent Flows, Department of Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV (November 29, 1995).

  60. Computational Modeling of Particles Deposition in Human Lung, NIOSH, Morgantown, WV (November 30, 1995).

  61. Recent Advances in Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Resuspension, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (December 18, 1995).

  62. Random Vibrations with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 15-June 8, 1996)

  63. Modeling Dilute and Dense Two-Phase Flows, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran (May 25, 1996).

  64. On Research Techniques in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (June 1, 1996).

  65. Future Trends in Engineering Research and Engineering Education, Academy of Science Honorary Lecture Presentation, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, (June 12, 1996).

  66. Risk Assessment with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (April 14-May 12, 1997)

  67. Recent Advances in Computational Modeling of Particles Transport Deposition and Resuspension-Industrial Applications, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 11, 1997).

  68. New Research Trends in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 13, 1997)

  69. Computational Modeling of Particles Transport, Deposition and Resuspension in Industrial Systems, MEMC, St Louis, MO, (June 27, 1997).

  70. Some Ideas for Computational Modeling of Dilute and Dense Turbulent Two-Phase Flows, FLUENT Inc., Lebanon, NH, (July 17, 1997).

  71. On Computational Modeling of Particles Transport and Deposition in Hot-Gas Filter Vessels, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV (August 6, 1997).

  72. Recent Advances in Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, ASYST Technologies Inc., Fremont, CA (October 13, 1997).

  73. Computational Modeling of Particles Transport and Soot Buildup in Furnaces,  Corning

  74. Corporation, Corning, NY (April 17, 1998).

  75. Random Vibrations with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 13-June 3, 1998).

  76. Computational Modeling of Dilute Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May (November 30, 1995).

  77. Recent Advances in Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Resuspension, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (December 18, 1995).

  78. Random Vibrations with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 15-June 8, 1996)

  79. Modeling Dilute and Dense Two-Phase Flows, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran (May 25, 1996).

  80. On Research Techniques in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (June 1, 1996).

  81. Future Trends in Engineering Research and Engineering Education, Academy of Science Honorary Lecture Presentation, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, (June 12, 1996).

  82. Risk Assessment with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (April 14-May 12, 1997)

  83. Recent Advances in Computational Modeling of Particles Transport Deposition and Resuspension -Industrial Applications, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 11, 1997).

  84. New Research Trends in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 13, 1997)

  85. Computational Modeling of Particles Transport, Deposition and Resuspension in Industrial Systems, MEMC, St Louis, MO, (June 27, 1997).

  86. Some Ideas for Computational Modeling of Dilute and Dense Turbulent Two-Phase Flows, FLUENT Inc., Lebanon, NH, (July 17, 1997).

  87. On Computational Modeling of Particles Transport and Deposition in Hot-Gas Filter Vessels, Federal Energy Technology Center, Morgantown, WV (August 6, 1997).

  88. Recent Advances in Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, ASYST Technologies Inc., Fremont, CA (October 13, 1997).

  89. Computational Modeling of Particles Transport and Soot Buildup in Furnaces,  Corning

  90. Corporation, Corning, NY (April 17, 1998).

  91. Random Vibrations with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 13-June 3, 1998).

  92. Computational Modeling of Dilute Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 24, 1998).

  93. Computational Modeling of Dense Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 26, 1998).

  94. Industrial Application of Particle Transport and Deposition, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tehran, Iran, (May 27, 1998).

  95. Recent Advances in Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 31, 1998).

  96. Experimental Study of Particle Deposition and Transport in Dilute and Dense Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (June 2, 1998).

  97. Research Approach in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Sharif University of

  98. Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 27, 1998).

  99. Thermodynamics of Turbulence and Modeling, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (June 15, 1998).

  100. Thermodynamics of Granular Flows and Kinetic Models, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (June 15, 1998).

  101. Thermodynamics of Turbulent Multiphase Flows, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (June 16, 1998).

  102. Computational Modeling of Dilute and Dense Turbulent Multiphase Flows, and Applications, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (June 16, 1998).

  103. On Computer Modeling of Deposition in Hot-Gas Filter Vessel, CONSOL Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, (August 10, 1998).

  104. Overview of Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, MEMC, St Louis, MO, (August 10, 1998).

  105. Particle Transport and Deposition in Turbulent Flows - Industrial and Environmental Applications, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (October 8, 1998).

  106. Turbulence, Aerosols and Two-phase Flows, Short Course, Lappeenranta University of

  107. Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, January 12-15, 1999.

  108. Computational Modeling of Fused Silica Furnace, Corning, Corning, NY (March 12, 1999).

  109. Multiphase Flows and Aerosols, Short Course given at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (April 15-May 12, 1999). 

  110. Computational Modeling of Two-Phase Flows, Ferdousi University, Mashad, Iran, (April 28, 1999).

  111. Computational Modeling of Spray Formation, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, (May 3, 1999).

  112. Industrial Application of Particle Transport and Deposition, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tehran, Iran, (May 27, 1998).

  113. Multiphase Flows and Spray, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 4, 1999).

  114. Base Isolation with Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (May 3, 1999).

  115. Research Techniques in Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 10, 1999).

  116. Industrial Applications of Particle Transport and Deposition in Turbulent Flows, Lockheed Martin, Atlanta, GA, July 2, 1999.

  117. AA Simple Model for Natural Gas Production from Hydrate Decomposition by Depressurization, Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC), U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV (July 7, 1999).

  118. A Recent Advances in Particle Transport and Deposition in Industrial Applications,@ McDermott Technology, Alliance, OH, (August 16, 1999).

  119. Particle Transport and Deposition in the Wilsonville Hot-Gas Filtration System,@ Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC), U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, WV (August 20, 1999).

  120. Ash Transport, Deposition in the Kellog (PCD) Filter Vessel at Wilsonville,@ Southern Company Services, Wilsonville , AL (January 7, 2000).

  121. Overview of Research Techniques in Engineering and Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (May 1, 2000).

  122. Protection of Seconday Systems in Structures Against Earthquakes, Center for Research for Electric Power Plants (MTN), Tehran, Iran, (May 6, 2000).

  123. Application of Particle Transport and Deposition in Industry, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 13, 2000).

  124. Computational Modeling of Dilute and Dense Two-Phase Flows - Applications to Hot-Gas Cleaning and Coal Processing, NETL, Pittsburgh, PA (July 14, 2000). 

  125. Fundamentals of Natural Gas and Species Flows From Hydrate Dissociation, NETL, Morgantwon, WV (January 10, 2001).

  126. Simulation of Gas Flow in Siemens-Westinghouse Filter Vessel at PSDF - Modified Designs, Southern Company Services, Wilsonville, AL (January 26, 2001).

  127. Computational Modeling of Soot Transport in Fused Silica Furnaces, Corning Corporation, Corning, NY (April 12, 2001).

  128. Particle Transport Processes in Turbulent Flows, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, (May 2-4, 2001).

  129. Computational Modeling of Two-Phase Flows, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran, (May 18, 2001).

  130. Computer Simulation of Gas Flow and Particle Transport in Siemens-Westinghouse PCD at PSDF, Southern Company Services, Wilsonville, AL (October 12, 2001).

  131. Applications of Gas-Solid and Gas-Liquid Multiphase Flows, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (March 19, 2002).

  132. Computational Modeling of Multiphase Flows, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (June 10, 2002).

  133. Computational Modeling of Air Pollution, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran (May 19, 2003).

  134. Turbulence and Turbulence Modeling, Short Course, Center for Computational Mechanics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (May 21, 2003).

  135. Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (May 31, 2003).

  136. Experimental and Numerical Studies of Gas-Liquid Displacement in Flow Cells, with Application to Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Brine Fields, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), US, Department of Energy, July 15, 2003 Environmental Applications of Multiphase Flows Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY (October 3, 2003)

  137. Applications of Multiphase Gas-Solid and Gas-Liquid Flows Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH October 17, 2003).

  138. Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Entrainment in Turbulent Flows –Environmental Applications, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (November 13, 2003).

  139. Computational Modeling of Particle Transport, Deposition and Entrainment in Turbulent Flows, Xerox Corporation, Webster, NY (November 17, 2003). 

  140. Applications of Multiphase Flows Semnan University, Semnan, Iran (May 14, 2004).

  141. Turbulence, Short Course, ISME, Tehran, Iran (May 25-28, 2004).

  142. Particle Resuspension in Turbulent Flows Sharif University, Tehran, Iran (May 30, 2004).

  143. Computational Modeling of Multiphase Flows Kerman University, Kerman, Iran (June 1, 2004).

  144. Multiphase Flows Petrochemical Research Center, Arak, Iran (June 6, 2004).

  145. Modeling of Smart Clothing, Army Natick Research Center (November 16, 2004) (With McLaughlin).

  146. Modeling of Self healing Agents into Cracks, Army Natick Research Center (November 16, 2004) (With McLaughlin).

  147. Effect of Human Activities on Exposure to Gaseous and PM Pollutants in the Personal

  148. Microenvironment, EPA, Triangle Park, NC (November 24, 2004).

  149. New Challenges for Chemical Mechanical Polishing-A Model for Surface Removal, Workshop, presented at Nanomaterials 2004: Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, and Nanomagnetics Conference, Stamford , CT (October 14-17, 2004) (With S.S. Babu)

  150. Introduction to Nanotechnology, United Defense, York, PA (February 23, 2005).

  151. From Flow Stability to Chaos, and Turbulence Khajeh-Nasir Tosi University, Tehran, Iran (May 22, 2005)

  152. Particle Resuspension and Indoor Air Pollution, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (May 24, 2005)

  153. Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, Short Course, Lappeenranta University of

  154. Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, December 15-20, 2005.

  155. Recent Advances in Multiphase Flows through Porous and Fractured Media, Khajeh-Nasir Tosi

  156. University, Tehran, Iran (May 2, 2006).

  157. Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal, Short Course, Lappeenranta University of

  158. Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, December 15-20, 2005.

  159. Nano particle transport, deposition and removal, in Production, Transport and Application of Nanoparticles Workshop/Lecture Series, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium, February 26 - March 1, 2007.

  160. Environmental and Biological Modeling Applications, in Production, Transport and Application of Nanoparticles Workshop/Lecture Series, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium, February 26 - March 1, 2007.

  161. Applications to Supersonic and Hypersonic Impactors and Aerodynamic Lenses, in Production, Transport and Application of Nanoparticles Workshop/Lecture Series, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium, February 26 - March 1, 2007.

  162. Turbulence, Short Course, ISME, Tehran, Iran (May 19-20, 2007).

  163. Computational Modeling of Particle Transport and Deposition in Human Respiratory Tracts, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (May 19, 2007)

کتب انتشار یافته

  • A. Razani and G. Ahmadi, "Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science," Vol. 1, Shiraz University Press No. 87 (1977).

  • G. Ahmadi and A. Razani, "Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science," Vol. 2, Shiraz University Press No. 90 (1977).

پروژه‌های تحقیقاتی انجام شده

  • Noise Reduction, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Iran, $5,000 (1972-1974). 

  • Turbulent Flow in a Confined Wake, Shiraz University Research Council, $2,500 (1973-1977).

  • Design and Construction of an Automatic Machine for Cleaning, Weighing, and Boxing Raisin, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Iran, $6,000 (1975-1977).

  • Stability Analysis of Mechanical Systems, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Iran, $6,500 (1976-1978).

  • Vibration Induced by Earthquake, Applications: To Nuclear Reactor Structural Safety and Design, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, $300,000 (1976-1980).

  • Darrieus Turbine and Aeroelastic Engines, Shiraz University Research Council, $4,000 (1977-1978).

  • Investigation of a Solar Pond for Power Production, Ministry of Power of Iran, Solar Energy Research Center of Shiraz University, and Shiraz University Research Council, $25,000 (1978-1980).

  • Aeroelastic Wind Energy Converter, Division of Research, Clarkson University, $8,000 (1982-1983).

  • Bounds on Earthquake Responses of Structures, NSF, CEE-8319036, $42,397 (1984-1985).

  • Fellowship, ::::::::union:::::::: Carbide, $9,800 (1986-1987).

  • Protective Systems and Retrofit of Building Structures for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, SNYR, NCEER 2863021F, $49,133 (1986-1987).

  • Optimized Base Isolation Systems, SNYR, NCEER 872007, $49,000 (1987-1988).

  • Analysis of Transient Three-Dimensional Granular and Two-Phase Flows, NSF, MSM-8714687, 40 Service Units CPU Time on Supercomputer Facilities at Cornell University (1987-1989).

  • Optimized Base Isolation Systems, SNYR, NCEER 88-2012, $21,000 (1988-1989). $4,226 (1990-1991).

  • Contamination Avoidance and Removal, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $27,000 (1989-1990), $30,000 (1990-1991), $30,981 (1991-1992), $43,232 (1992-1993), $28,116 (1993-1994).

  • Fundamental Study of Dust Particles Adhesion to Electrical Contact of Card Edge Connector Systems, IBM-Endicott, $150,000 (1990-1991).

  • Weld Process Modeling, United Technologies Corporation, $50,000 (1990-1992), Co-PI with D. Aidun. 

  • Microgravity, NSF Creativity Award EID-9017552, $90,000 (1990-1993).

  • Fundamental Study of the Mobility of Dust Particles on Surfaces of Electrical and Fiber Optic Connector Systems, IBM-Endicott, $73,023 (1992-1993).

  • A Computational Model for Coal Transport and Combustion, US Department of Energy (DOE-PETC) DE-FG22-91PC91297, $200,000 (1991-1995).

  • Vibration of Equipment on Board Space Structures with Passive and Active Mechanisms, NASA Grant NGT-50825, $66,000 (1991-1994).

  • Hybrid Fuel Dispersion and Combustion for Applications in Rocket Engines NASA Grant NGT-51130, $66,000 (1993-1996).

  • Vibration Control of Airborne Equipment Using Smart Materials, NASA Grant NGT-51314, $66,000 (1994-1997).

  • Particle Mobility, Adhesion and Removal & Targeted Inhalation Drug Delivery, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $54,250 (1994-1995).

  • Particle and Fiber Transport, Adhesion and Removal, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $52,000 (1995-1996).

  • Ash and Pulverized Coal Deposition in Combustors & Gasifiers, US Department of Energy (DOE-FETC) DE-FG22-94PC94213, $200,000 (1994-1998).

  • Charged Particle and Fiber Transport, Adhesion and Removal, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $48,000 (1996-1997).

  • Particle Transport and Dispersion in a Triboelectric Separator, University of Kentucky/DOE, $64,000 (1995-1998).

  • Fiber Modeling and Removal, Xerox Corporation, $72,000 (1995-1997). 

  • Charged and Magnetized Particle Deposition and Removal, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $30,000 (1997-1998).

  • Cryogenic CO2 Snow flake Surface Cleaning, New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $30,000 (1997-1998).

  • Computational Modeling of Fluid Flow and Soot Buildup in High Purity Fused Silica Furnace, Corning Corporation, $285,614 (1997-2001)

  • Particle Transport and Deposition in Hot-Gas Filter Vessels - A Computational and Experimental Modeling Approach, DOE DE-FC26-98FT40447, $164,745 (1998-2002)

  • Time Dependent Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements Via Linear Stochastic Estimation (LSE), NSF CTS-9809784, $85,000 (1998-2000), Co-PI with M. Glauser

  • Computer Code for a Thermodynamic Model of Gas-Hydrate Decomposition in a Porous Media during Pressure Release, DOE, NETL, DE-AP26-98FT01813, $25,000 (1998-1999)

  • Computational Modeling of Chemical-Mechanical Polishing (CMP), New York State Science and Technology Foundation, CAMP, $47,500 (1998-2000)

  • Microgravity Equipment Vibrations - A Sensitivity and Control Study, NASA Grant NGT8-52849, $44,000 (1998-2000)

  • Computational Modeling of Fuel Spray Formation in Rocket Engines NASA Grant NGT8-52853, $66,000 (1998-2001)

  • Computer Modeling of Ash Particle Transport to Boiler Surfaces, DOE, NETL DE-AP26-99FT00308, $25,000 (1998-2000)

  • Experimental Study of Gas-Hydrate Formation and Decomposition, DOE/NETL (through University of Pittsburgh), 001060-8, $60,000 (1999-2001)

  • Advanced Computational Model for Three-Phase Slurry Reactors, US Department of Energy (DOE-NETL) DE-FG26-99FT40584, $200,000 (1999-2002)

  • Dispersion of Powder by Shear, Turbulence and Impaction in Inhalation Drug Delivery Systems, Dura Pharmaceuticals, $47,000 (1999-2000)

  • Bearing Technology for Exo-Skeletal Engine Concept, Alpha Star Corp. $15,000 (1999-2000), Co-PI with L. Minnetyan and C. Cetinkaya

  • Two-Phase Flow Measurements, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 001060-8, $30,000 (2000-2001)

  • CO2 Sequestration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 001060-8, $30,000 (2000-2001)

  • Fundamentals of Natural Gas and Species Flows from Hydrate Dissociation- Applications to Safety and Sea Floor Instability, US Department of Energy (DOE-NETL)

  • DE-FC26-00NT40916, $278,183 (2000-2006) 

  • Heat Transfer Effects in Hot-Gas Filtration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 001060-8, $30,000 (2000-2001)

  • Transport models for nano-scale MOS devices with applications to CAD for nextgeneration ICs, NYSTAR (through CAMP), $10,000 (2001-2002) Co-PI with M.C. Cheng and V. Privman.

  • Physical transport models for nano-scale MOS devices, with applications to CAD for next generation ICs, NRC, $35,000 (2001-2002) Co-PI with M.C. Cheng, J.J. Liou and V. Privman.

  • Computational Modeling of CO2 Sequestration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program Through University of Pittsburgh), 400960-2, $35,000 (2001-2002)

  • Experimental Modeling of CO2 Sequestration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 400960-2, $35,000 (2001-2002)

  • Hot-Gas Filtration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 400960-2, $35,000 (2001-2002)

  • Hydrate, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), 400960-2, $35,000 (2001-2002)

  • Thermal modeling SOI devices, NYSTAR (through CAMP), $18,000 (2002-2003) Co-PI with M.C. Cheng.

  • Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal: Combined Research-Curriculum Development, NSF EEC-0087873, $400,000 (2001-2006), (Co-PIs, C. Cetinkaya, M. McLaughlin, S. Doheny-Farina, J. Taylor, S. Dhaniyala)

  • NYSTAR Center for Environmental Quality System (NY-EQS), NYSTAR (though Syracuse University), $1,892,000 (2003-2006) Co-PI with P. Hopke, T. Holsen, J. McLaughlin, and K. Visser

  • REU: Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal: Combined Research-Curriculum Development, NSF, $12,000 (2002-2006).

  • Computational Modeling Tools for Corona Devices Used in Electophotographic Machines, Xerox Corporation, $60,000 (2001-2005).

  • Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Fiber Transport and Deposition in the Respiratory Tract, NIOSH (through LRRI-F), $404,677 (2002-2006) Co-PI with P. Hopke Aerodynamic lens modeling, Kodak Corporation, $12,000 (2002-2003).

  • Nanoparticle Transport, aerodynamic lens and CMP modeling, NYSTAR (through CAMP), $35,000 (2003-2004)

  • Heat flow modeling of SOI devices & integrated circuits, NYSTAR (through CAMP), $6,800 (2003-2004) Co-PI with M.C. Cheng.

  • Computational Modeling of Hot Gas Filtration with Heat Transfer, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), (C. Liu Fellowship), $70,000 (2002-2004)

  • Computational Modeling of CO2 Sequestration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), $70,000 (2002-2004)

  • Computational Modeling of CO2 Sequestration, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), (J. Cook Fellowship), $56,605 (2002-2005)

  • Geomechanical Modeling of Fractured Reservoirs, DOE/NETL (Partnership Program through University of Pittsburgh), (D. Crandall Fellowship), $70,000 (2003-2005)

  • Transport, Deposition and Removal of Charged Nanoparticles and Aerodynamic Lens For Nano-particles, NYSTAR (through CAMP), $40,000.00 (2003-2005)

  • NY STAR Center for Environmental Quality System/EPA Indoor Environmental Research Program Collaboration, EPA through Syracuse University, $300,000 (2004-2007) Co-PI with A. Ferro, P. Hopke, S. Dhaniyala, J. Taylor.

  • Smart Responsive Nanocomposite for Soldier Protection, US-ARO, $169,250 (2005-2007) Co-PI with J. McLaughlin.

  • Smart Responsive Nanocomposite for Soldier Protection, US-ARO, $55,291 (2005-2007) Co-PI with R. Jha and C. Cetinkaya.

  • Developing Supersonic Impactor and Aerodynamic Lens for Separation and Handling of Nano-sized Particles, DOE, $50,000 (2006-2007)

  • Strategically Targeted Research In Intelligent Built Environmental Systems - Phase 2, EPA through Syracuse University, $510,000, (2005-2008) Co-PI with P. Hopke and A. Ferro.

  • Intelligent Control via Wireless Sensor Networks for Advanced Coal Combustion Systems DOE, $50,000
    (2006-2007) Co-PI with A. Behal and S. Kumar.

  • Computational and Experimental Techniques for Human Health and Security in Indoor Environments, EPA, through CoE Syracuse University, CARTI, $180,000 (2006-2008)

  • Co-PI with J.B. McLaughlin and B. Helenbrook.

  • Computational and Experimental Study of Airflow and Particulate Pollutant Transport and Concentration around the Center of Excellence Building, EPA, Through CoE Syracuse University, CARTI, $100,000 (2007-2008) Co-PI with Douglas Bohl.

افتخارات کسب شده

  • مدال تحقیقاتی برای ارتقاء پژوهش در ایران، 1975.
  • جایزه بنیاد البرز به عنوان دانشمند برجسته در ایران، 1976.
  • جایزه وزارت فرهنگ و آموزش عالی برای پژوهش‌های ممتاز، تهران، ایران، 1978.
  • مدال پژوهشی، تهران، ایران، 1978.
  • عضو هیأت علمی برجسته دانشگاه کلارکسون، 1984 و 1988.
  • استاد راهنمای برجسته دانشگاه کلارکسون، 1986، 1988، 2002.
  • عضو هیأت علمی برجسته دانشگاه کلارکسون، 1986.
  • جایزه تکنولوژی پودر ژاپن، 1991.
  • عضو افتخاری فرهنگستان علوم ایران، 1996.
  • عضو افتخاری انجمن مهندسان مکانیک ایران، 1996.
  • عضو ارشد انجمن مهندسان مکانیک ایران، 1997.
  • اولین استاد برجسته دانشگاه کلارکسون، 2001.
  • چهره ماندگار در مهندسی مکانیک، ایران، 2003.
  • جایزه عمرخیام، مجله ساینتیا ایرانیکا، دانشگاه شریف، ایران، 2006.
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