Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2015)                   IJOCE 2015, 5(2): 167-187 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (21216 Views)
This paper presents a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) for the optimal operation of a complex multipurpose and multi-reservoir system. Firstly, MOEA/D decomposes a multi-objective optimization problem into a number of scalar optimization sub-problems and optimizes them simultaneously. It uses information of its several neighboring sub-problems for optimizing each sub-problem. This simple procedure makes MOEA/D have lower computational complexity compared with non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). The algorithm (MOEA/D) is compared with the Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) using a set of common test problems and the real-world Zohre reservoir system in southern Iran. The objectives of the case study include water supply of minimum flow and agriculture demands over a long-term simulation period. Experimental results have demonstrated that MOEA/D can improve system performance to reduce the effect of drought compared with NSGA-II superiority. Therefore, MOEA/D is highly competitive and recommended to solve multi-objective optimization problems for water resources planning and management.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Optimal design
Received: 2015/03/12 | Accepted: 2015/03/12 | Published: 2015/03/12

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