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Showing 4 results for Shokohi

A. Kaveh, B. Ahmadi, F. Shokohi, N. Bohlooli,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

The present study encompasses a new method to simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of Water Distribution Systems (WDSs). In this method, analysis procedure is carried out using Charged System Search (CSS) optimization algorithm. Besides design and cost optimization of WDSs are performed simultaneous with analysis process using a new objective function in order to satisfying the analysis criteria, design constraints and cost optimization. Comparison of achieved results clearly signifies the efficiency of the present method in reducing the WDSs construction cost and computational time of the analysis. These comparisons are made for three benchmark practical examples of WDSs.
A. Kaveh, F. Shokohi, B. Ahmadi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2014)

This paper describes the application of the recently developed metaheuristic algorithm for simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of Water Distribution Systems (WDSs). In this method, analysis is carried out using Colliding Bodies Optimization algorithm (CBO). The CBO is a population-based search approach that imitates nature’s ongoing search for better solutions. Also, design and cost optimization of WDSs are performed simultaneous with analysis process using a new objective function in order to satisfying the analysis criteria, design constraints and cost optimization. A number of practical examples of WDSs are selected to demonstrate the efficiency of the presented algorithm. Comparison of obtained results clearly signifies the efficiency of the CBO method in reducing the WDSs construction cost and computational time of the analysis.
A. Kaveh, F. Shokohi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (8-2015)

The main object of this research is to optimize an end-filled castellated beam. In order to support high shear forces close to the connections, sometimes it becomes necessary to fill certain holes in web opening beam. This is done by inserting steel plates and welding from both sides. Optimization of these beams is carried out using three meta-heuristic methods involves CSS, CBO, and CBO-PSO algorithms. To compare the performance of these algorithms, the minimum cost of the beam is taken as the design objective function. Also, in this study, two common types of laterally supported castellated beams are considered as design problems: beams with hexagonal openings and beams with circular openings. A number of design examples are considered to solve in this case. Comparison of the optimal solution of these methods demonstrates that the hexagonal beams have less cost than cellular beams. It is observed that optimization results obtained by the CBO-PSO for more design examples have less cost in comparison to the results of the other methods.
A. Kaveh, F. Shokohi , B. Ahmadi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2017)

In this study, the recently developed method, Tug of War Optimization (TWO), is employed for simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of Water Distribution Systems (WDSs). In this method, analysis procedure is carried out using Tug of War Optimization algorithm. Design and cost optimization of WDSs are performed simultaneous with analysis process using an objective function in order to satisfying the analysis criteria, design constraints and cost optimization. A number of practical examples of WDSs are selected to demonstrate the efficiency of the presented algorithm. The findings of this study clearly signify the efficiency of the TWO algorithm in reducing the water distribution networks construction cost.

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