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Showing 4 results for Matlab

A. Kaveh , M. Ilchi Ghazaan,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Colliding bodies optimization (CBO) is a new population-based stochastic optimization algorithm based on the governing laws of one dimensional collision between two bodies from the physics. Each agent is modeled as a body with a specified mass and velocity. A collision occurs between pairs of objects to find the global or near-global solutions. Enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO) uses memory to save some best solutions and utilizes a mechanism to escape from local optima. The performances of the CBO and ECBO are shown through truss and frame design optimization problems. The codes of these methods are presented in MATLAB and C++.
H. Fazli,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

In this paper, a systematic approach is presented for optimal design of tunnel support lining using two-dimensional finite element analysis models of soil-structure interaction developed in ABAQUS software and the Modified Colliding Bodies Optimization (MCBO) algorithm implemented in MATLAB environment. This approach is then employed to study the influence of variable geometrical and geo-mechanical parameters on the optimal design of a class of practical access tunnels.

A. Kaveh, M. Ilchi Ghazaan,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

In this paper, MATLAB code for a recently developed meta-heuristic methodology, the vibrating particles system (VPS) algorithm, is presented. The VPS is a population-based algorithm which simulates a free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with viscous damping. The particles gradually approach to their equilibrium positions that are achieved from current population and historically best position. Two truss towers with 942 and 2386 elements are examined for the validity of the present algorithm; however, the performance VPS has already been proven through truss and frame design optimization problems.

A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez, P. Hosseini,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a new meta-heuristic algorithm based on the free vibration of freedom system’ single degree with viscous damping. In this algorithm, each agent gradually approach to its equilibrium position; new agents are generated according to current agents and a historically best position. Enhanced vibrating particles system (EVPS) employs a new alternative procedure to enhance the performance of the VPS algorithm. Two different truss structures are investigated to demonstrate the performance of the VPS and EVPS weight optimization of structures.

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