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Showing 16 results for Performance-Based Design

S. Gholizadeh, R. Kamyab , H. Dadashi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2013)

This study deals with performance-based design optimization (PBDO) of steel moment frames employing four different metaheuristics consisting of genetic algorithm (GA), ant colony optimization (ACO), harmony search (HS), and particle swarm optimization (PSO). In order to evaluate the seismic capacity of the structures, nonlinear pushover analysis is conducted (PBDO). This method is an iterative process needed to meet code requirements. In the PBDO procedure, the metaheuristics minimize the structural weight subjected to performance constraints on inter-story drift ratios at various performance levels. Two numerical examples are presented demonstrating the superiority of the PSO to the GA, ACO and HS metaheuristic algorithms.
S. Gholizadeh, V. Aligholizadeh , M. Mohammadi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

In the present study, the reliability assessment of performance-based optimally seismic designed reinforced concrete (RC) and steel moment frames is investigated. In order to achieve this task, an efficient methodology is proposed by integrating Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and neural networks (NN). Two NN models including radial basis function (RBF) and back propagation (BP) models are examined in this study. In the proposed methodology, MCS is used to estimate the total exceedence probability associated with immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP) performance levels. To reduce the computational burden of MCS process, the required nonlinear responses of the generated structures are predicted by RBF and BP models. The numerical results imply the superiority of BP to RBF in prediction of structural responses associated with performance levels. Finally, the obtained results demonstrate the high efficiency of the proposed methodology for reliability assessment of RC and steel frame structures. Mitropoulou , N.d. Lagaros,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (1-2016)

One of the main tasks of engineers is to design structural systems light and economic as possible, yet resistant enough to withstand all possible loads arising during their service life and to absorb the induced seismic energy in a controlled and predictable fashion. The traditional trial-and-error design approach is not capable to determine an economical design satisfying also the code requirements. Structural design optimization, on the other hand, provides a numerical procedure that can replace the traditional design approach with an automated one. The objective of this work is to propose a performance-based seismic design procedure, formulated as a structural design optimization problem, for designing steel and steel-concrete composite buildings subject to interstorey drift limitations. In particular a straightforward design procedure is proposed where the influence on both record and incident angle is considered. For this purpose six test examples are considered, in particular three steel and three steel-concrete composite buildings are optimally designed for minimum initial cost.
S. Gholizadeh, M. Ebadijalal,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The objective of the present paper is to propose a sequential enhanced colliding bodies optimization (SECBO) algorithm for implementation of seismic optimization of steel braced frames in the framework of performance-based design (PBD). In order to achieve this purpose, the ECBO is sequentially employed in a multi-stage scheme where in each stage an initial population is generated based on the information derived from the results of previous stages. The required structural seismic responses, at performance levels, are evaluated by performing nonlinear pushover analysis. Two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed SECBO for tackling the seismic performance-based optimization problem. The numerical results demonstrate the computational advantages of the SECBO algorithm.

M. Danesh, S. Gholizadeh, C. Gheyratmand,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6-2019)

The main aim of the present study is to optimize steel moment frames in the framework of performance-based design and to assess the seismic collapse capacity of the optimal structures. In the first phase of this study, four well-known metaheuristic algorithms are employed to achieve the optimization task. In the second phase, the seismic collapse safety of the obtained optimal designs is evaluated by conducting incremental dynamic analysis and generating fragility curves. Three illustrative examples including 3-, 6-, and 12-story steel moment frames are presented. The numerical results demonstrate that all the performance-based optimal designs obtained by the metahuristic algorithms are of acceptable collapse margin ratio.
H. Fazli,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6-2019)

In this paper, an optimization framework is developed for performance-based seismic design of composite moment frames consisting of concrete filled steel box columns and I-shaped steel beams. Material cost of the structure and seismic damage under severe earthquake ground motions are minimized as objective functions. Two design examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed design optimization approach is capable of producing seismic designs of composite MRFs which are cost effective, provide reliable seismic performance and suffer less damage in the case of a severe earthquake ground motion.
H. Fazli,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (9-2019)

Composite RCS building frames integrate reinforced concrete columns with structural steel beams to provide an efficient solution for the design and construction of earthquake-resisting structures. In this paper, an optimization framework is developed for performance-based seismic design of planar RCS moment resisting frames. The objective functions are defined as minimizing the construction cost and the seismic damage. The design variables are obtained in a two-stage design optimization procedure; the elastic design in which column cross-section dimensions are determined and the inelastic design in which beam cross-sections and column reinforcements are obtained. Two design examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed design optimization procedure is a viable approach in producing cost effective seismic designs of composite RCS frames, with reliable seismic performance and reduced damage potential in the event of a severe earthquake ground motion.
A. Nabati, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)

The present work is aimed at assessing the impact of strong column-weak beam (SCWB) criterion on seismic performance of optimally designed steel moment frames. To this end, different SCWB ratios are considered for steel special moment resisting frame (SMRF) structures and performance-based design optimization process is implemented with the aid of an efficient metaheuristic. The seismic collapse performance of the optimally designed SMRFs is assessed by performing incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and determining their adjusted collapse margin ratios. Three design examples of 5-, 10-, and 15-story SMRFs are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology.
M. Danesh, A. Iraji,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)

The efficiency of braced structures depends significantly on structure response under seismic loads. The main design challenge for these type of structures is to select shape, number of spans, and type of connections appropriately. Therefore, introducing an optimized and cost-effective design including a certain level of safety and performance against natural hazards seems to be an inevitable necessity. The present work introduces a performance-based design for braced steel structures as well as an optimized arrangement of braces and connection types via using finite difference algorithm. The results show that the latter two factors are very important and necessary to achieve an optimized design for braced steel structures.
A. Milany, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2021)

The main purpose of the present work is to investigate the impact of soil-structure interaction on performance-based design optimization of steel moment resisting frame (MRF) structures. To this end, the seismic performance of optimally designed MRFs with rigid supports is compared with that of the optimal designs with a flexible base in the context of performance-based design. Two efficient metaheuristic algorithms, namely center of mass optimization and improved fireworks, are used to implement the optimization task. During the optimization process, nonlinear structural response-history analysis is carried out to evaluate the structural response. Two illustrative design examples of 6- and 12-story steel MRFs are presented, and it is observed that the performance-based design optimization considering soil-structure interaction decreases the structural weight and increases nonlinear structural response in comparison to rigid-based models. Therefore, in order to obtain more realistic optimal designs, soil-structure interaction should be included in the performance-based design optimization process of steel MRFs.
M. Ghasemiazar, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2022)

This study is devoted to seismic collapse safety analysis of performance based optimally seismic designed steel chevron braced frame structures. An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm namely, center of mass optimization is utilized to achieve the seismic optimization process. The seismic collapse performance of the optimally designed steel chevron braced frames is assessed by performing incremental dynamic analysis and determining their adjusted collapse margin ratios. Two design examples of 5-, and 10-story chevron braced frames are illustrated. The numerical results demonstrate that all the performance-based optimal designs are of acceptable seismic collapse safety.
S. Mohammadhosseini , S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)

The main aim of this study, is to evaluate the seismic reliability of steel concentrically braced frame (SCBF) structures optimally designed in the context of performance-based design. The Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method and neural network (NN) techniques were utilized to conduct the reliability analysis of the optimally designed SCBFs. Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) trained by back propagation technique was used to evaluate the required structural responses and then the total exceedence probability associated with the seismic performance levels was estimated by the MCS method. Three numerical examples of 5-, 10-, and 15-story SCBFs with fixed and optimal topology of braces are presented and their probability of failure was evaluated considering the resistance characteristics and the seismic loading of the structures. The numerical results indicate that the SCBFs with optimal topology of braces were more reliable than those with fixed topology of braces.  
M. Nabati , S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

The purpose of the current study is to design steel moment resisting frames for optimal weight in the context of performance-based design. The performance-based design optimization of steel moment frames is a highly nonlinear and complex optimization problem having many local optima. Therefore, an efficient algorithm should be used to deal with this class of structural optimization problems. In the present study, a modified Newton metaheuristic algorithm (MNMA) is proposed for the solution of the optimization problem. In fact, MNMA is the improved version of the original Newton metaheuristic algorithm (NMA), which is a multi-stage optimization technique in which an initial population is generated at each stage based on the results of the previous stages. Two illustrative examples of 5-, and 10-story steel moment frames are presented and a number of independent optimization runs are achieved by NMA and MNMA. The numerical results demonstrate the better performance of the proposed MNMA compared to the NMA in solving the performance-based optimization problem of steel moment frames.
S. Gholizadeh, C. Gheyratmand , N. Razavi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

The main objective of this study is to optimize reinforced concrete (RC) frames in the framework of performance-based design using metaheuristics. Three improved and efficient metaheuristics are employed in this work, namely, improved multi-verse (IMV), improved black hole (IBH) and modified newton metaheuristic algorithm (MNMA). These metaheuristic algorithms are applied for performance-based design optimization of 6- and 12-story planar RC frames. The seismic response of the structures is evaluated using pushover analysis during the optimization process. The obtained results show that the IBH outperforms the other algorithms.
S. Gholizadeh, S. Tariverdilo,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)

The primary objective of this paper is to assess the seismic life-cycle cost of optimally designed steel moment frames. The methodology of this paper involves two main steps. In the first step, we optimize the initial cost of steel moment frames within the performance-based design framework, utilizing nonlinear static pushover analysis. In the second step, we perform a life cycle-cost analysis of the optimized steel moment frames using nonlinear response history analysis with a suite of earthquake records. We consider content losses due to floor acceleration and inter-story drift for the life cycle cost analysis. The numerical results highlight the critical role of integrating life-cycle cost analysis into the seismic optimization process to design steel moment frames with optimal seismic life-cycle costs.

A. Hassan Radhi Alhilali, S. Gholizadeh, S. Tariverdilo,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2024)

This paper employs neural network models to assess the seismic confidence levels at various performance levels, as well as the seismic collapse capacity of steel moment-resisting frame structures. Two types of shallow neural network models including back-propagation (BP) and radial basis (RB) models are utilized to evaluate the seismic responses. Both neural network models consist of a single hidden layer with a different number of neurons. The prediction accuracy of the trained neural network models is compared using two illustrative examples of 6- and 12-story steel moment-resisting frames. The obtained numerical results indicate that the BP model outperforms the RB model in predicting seismic responses.

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