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Showing 5 results for Swarm Intelligence

M. Shahrouziand , S. Sardarinasab,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2015)

For most practical purposes, true topology optimization of a braced frame should be synchronized with its sizing. An integrated layout optimization is formulated here to simultaneously account for both member sizing and bracings’ topology in such a problem. Code-specific seismic design spectrum is applied to unify the earthquake excitation. The problem is solved for minimal structural weight under codified stress, deformation and also user-defined weak-storey and architectural constraints. Particle swarm optimization is hybridized with an extra memory consideration strategy to solve this problem. As another issue, Baldwin effect of memetic algorithm is utilized in the proposed method to enhance its search capability regarding the geometrical and topological constraints. Treating a number of planar braced frames revealed superior performance of the proposed hybrid method partiqularly in avoiding premature convergence over the common particle swarm optimiztion for such a discrete problem.
M. Shahrouzi, H. Farah-Abadi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2018)

The most recent approaches of multi-objective optimization constitute application of meta-heuristic algorithms for which, parameter tuning is still a challenge. The present work hybridizes swarm intelligence with fuzzy operators to extend crisp values of the main control parameters into especial fuzzy sets that are constructed based on a number of prescribed facts. Such parameter-less particle swarm optimization is employed as the core of a multi-objective optimization framework with a repository to save Pareto solutions. The proposed method is tested on a variety of benchmark functions and structural sizing examples. Results show that it can provide Pareto front by lower computational time in competition with some other popular multi-objective algorithms.

Y. Naserifar, M. Shahrouzi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)

Passive systems are preferred tools for seismic control of buildings challenged by probabilistic nature of the input excitation. However, other types of uncertainty still exist in parameters of the control device even when optimally tuned. The present work concerns optimal design of multiple-tuned-mass-damper embedded on a shear building by a number of meta-heuristics. They include well-known genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization as well as more recent gray wolf optimizer and its hybrid method embedding swarm intelligence. The study is two-fold: first, optimal designs by different meta-heuristics are compared concerning their reduction in structural seismic responses; second, the effect of uncertainty in Multi-Tuned-Mass-Damper parameters, is studied offering new reliability-based curves. Monte Carlo Simulation is employed to evaluate failure probabilities. A variety of structural responses are assessed against seismic excitation including maximal displacement, velocity and acceleration. It is declared that the best algorithm for efficiency and effectiveness has not coincided the best based on the reliability traces. Such traces also show that in a specific range of limit-states, algorithm selection has a serious effect on the reliability results. It was found even more than 35% and depends on the response type.  
M. Shahrouzi, A. Azizi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2022)

The present work reveals a problem formulation to minimize material consumption and improve efficiency of diagrids to resist equivalent wind loading. The integrated formulation includes not only sizing of structural members but also variation in geometry and topology of such a system. Particular encoding technique is offered to handle practical variation of diagrid modules. A variant of Pseudo-random Directional Search is utilized to solve this problem treating a number of three dimensional structural models. Several issues are investigated including the effect of variation in the building height, its aspect ratio and fixing or releasing diagrid angles. Consequently, especial trend of variation in diagrid angle is observed with superior structural responses with respect to sizing designs of the fixed-angle modules.
M. Shahrouzi, A. Salehi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

In most practical cases, structural design variables are linked to a discrete list of sections for optimal design. Cardinality of such a discrete search space is governed by the number of alternatives for each member group. The present work offers an adaptive strategy to detect more efficient alternatives and set aside redundant ones during optimization. In this regard, the difference between the lower and the upper bounds on such variables is gradually reduced by a procedure that adapts history of the selected alternatives in previous iterations. The propsed strategy is implemented on a hybrid paritcle swarm optimizer and imperialist competitive algorithm. The former is a basic swarm intelligent method while the later utilizes subpopulations in its search. Spatial and large-scale structures in various shapes are treated showing successive performance improvement. Variation of a diversity index and resulting band size are traced and discussed to declare behavior merits of the proposed adaptive band strategy.  

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