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Showing 5 results for Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization

W. Cheng, F. Liu , L.j. Li,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)

A novel optimization algorithm named teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm and its implementation procedure were presented in this paper. TLBO is a meta-heuristic method, which simulates the phenomenon in classes. TLBO has two phases: teacher phase and learner phase. Students learn from teachers in teacher phases and obtain knowledge by mutual learning in learner phase. The suitability of TLBO for size and geometry optimization of structures in structural optimal design was tested by three truss examples. Meanwhile, these examples were used as benchmark structures to explore the effectiveness and robustness of TLBO. The results were compared with those of other algorithms. It is found that TLBO has advantages over other optimal algorithms in convergence rate and accuracy when the number of variables is the same. It is much desired for TLBO to be applied to the tasks of optimal design of engineering structures.
M. H. Makiabadi, A. Baghlani, H. Rahnema , M. A. Hadianfard,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)

In this study, teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm is employed for the first time for optimization of real world truss bridges. The objective function considered is the weight of the structure subjected to design constraints including internal stress within bar elements and serviceability (deflection). Two examples demonstrate the effectiveness of TLBO algorithm in optimization of such structures. Various design groups have been considered for each problem and the results are compared. Both tensile and compressive stresses are taken into account. The results show that TLBO has a great intrinsic capability in problems involving nonlinear design criteria.
M. Shahrouzi, A. Salehi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, ICA is a meta-heuristic which simulates collapse of weak empires by more powerful ones that take possession of their colonies. In order to enhance performance, ICA is hybridized with proper features of Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization, TLBO. In addition, ICA walks are modified with an extra term to intensify looking for the global best solution. The number of control parameters and consequent tuning effort has been reduced in the proposed Imperialist Competitive Learner-Based Optimization, ICLBO with respect to ICA and several other methods. Efficiency and effectiveness of ICLBO is further evaluated treating a number of test functions in addition to continuous and discrete engineering problems. It is discussed and traced that balancing between exploration and exploitation is enhanced due to the proposed hybridization. Numerical results exhibit superior performance of ICLBO vs. ICA and a variety of other well-known meta-heuristics.
H. Veladi, R. Beig Zali,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2021)

The optimal design of dome structures is a challenging task and therefore the computational performance of the currently available techniques needs improvement. This paper presents a combined algorithm, that is supported by the mixture of Charged System Search (CSS) and Teaching-Learning-based optimization (TLBO). Since the CSS algorithm features a strong exploration and may explore all unknown locations within the search space, it is an appropriate complement to enhance the optimization process by solving the weaknesses with using another optimization algorithm’s strong points. To enhance the exploitation ability of this algorithm, by adding two parts of Teachers phase and Student phase of TLBO algorithm to CSS, a method is obtained that is more efficient and faster than standard versions of these algorithms. In this paper, standard optimization methods and new hybrid method are tested on three kinds of dome structures, and the results show that the new algorithm is more efficient in comparison to their standard versions.
A. Kaveh, M. Kamalinejad, K. Biabani Hamedani, H. Arzani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

As a novel strategy, Quantum-behaved particles use uncertainty law and a distinct formulation obtained from solving the time-independent Schrodinger differential equation in the delta-potential-well function to update the solution candidates’ positions. In this case, the local attractors as potential solutions between the best solution and the others are introduced to explore the solution space. Also,  the difference between the average and another solution is established as a new step size. In the present paper, the quantum teacher phase is introduced to improve the performance of the current version of the teacher phase of the Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization algorithm (TLBO) by using the formulation obtained from solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation predicting the probable positions of optimal solutions. The results show that QTLBO, an acronym for the Quantum Teaching- Learning- Based Optimization, improves the stability and robustness of the TLBO by defining the quantum teacher phase. The two circulant space trusses with multiple frequency constraints are chosen to verify the quality and performance of QTLBO. Comparing the results obtained from the proposed algorithm with those of the standard version of the TLBO algorithm and other literature methods shows that QTLBO increases the chance of finding a better solution besides improving the statistical criteria compared to the current TLBO.

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