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Showing 7 results for Time History Analysis

M. Jamshidi Avanaki , H.e. Estekanchi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2012)

Estimation of collapse performance is primarily conducted through Collapse Fragility Curves (CFC’s). The EDP-based approach is the main scheme for attaining such curves and employs IDA. Obtaining CFC’s from IDA results is tremendously time consuming and computationally demanding. Introduction of more efficient methods of seismic analysis, can potentially improve this issue. The Endurance Time (ET) method is a straightforward method for dynamic analysis of structures subjected to multilevel excitation intensities. In this paper, collapse analysis using ET analysis results to obtain EDP-based CFC’s, has been explained and demonstrated by a model. For verification, the resulting CFC has been compared to that obtained by IDA.
A. Abdelraheem Farghaly,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

High tall buildings are more susceptible to dynamic excitations such as wind and seismic excitations. In this paper, design procedure and some current applications of tuned mass damper (TMD) were studied. TMD was proposed to study response of 20 storey height building to seismic excitations using time history analysis with and without the TMD. The study indicates that the response of structures such as storey displacements and shear force of columns can be dramatically reduced by using TMD groups with specific arrangement in the model. The study illustrates the group of four TMDs distributed on the plane can be effective as reinforced concrete core shear wall.
S. Gholizadeh, P. Torkzadeh, S. Jabarzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

In this paper, a methodology is presented for optimum shape design of double-layer grids subject to gravity and earthquake loadings. The design variables are the number of divisions in two directions, the height between two layers and the cross-sectional areas of the structural elements. The objective function is the weight of the structure and the design constraints are some limitations on stress and slenderness of the elements besides the vertical displacements of the joints. To achieve the optimization task a variant of particle swarm optimization (PSO) entitled as quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm is employed. The computational burden of the optimization process due to performing time history analysis is very high. In order to decrease the optimization time, the radial basis function (RBF) neural networks are employed to predict the desired responses of the structures during the optimization process. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methodology
J. Jin, L.j. Li, J.n. He,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

A quick group search optimizer (QGSO) is an intelligent optimization algorithm which has been applied in structural optimal design, including the hinged spatial structural system. The accuracy and convergence rate of QGSO are feasible to deal with a spatial structural system. In this paper, the QGSO algorithm optimization is adopted in seismic research of steel frames with semi-rigid connections which more accurately reflect the practical situation. The QGSO is combined with the constraint from the penalty coefficients and dynamic time-history analysis. The performance of the QGSO on seismic design has been tested on a two-bay five-layer steel frame in this paper. The result shows that, compared with the PSO algorithm, the QGSO algorithm has better performance in terms of convergence rate and the ability to escape from local optimums. Moreover, it is feasible and effective to apply the QGSO to the seismic optimal design of steel framework.
M. Shahrouzi , A. Mohammadi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Dynamic structural responses via time history analysis are highly dependent to characteristics of selected records as the seismic excitation. Ground motion scaling is a well-known solution to reduce such a dependency and increase reliability to the dynamic results. The present work, formulate a twofold problem for optimal spectral matching and performing consequent sizing optimization based on such scaled ground motion via numerical step-by-step analyses. Particle swarm optimization as a widely used meta-heuristic is specialized and improved to solve this problem treating a number of examples. The scaling error is evaluated using both traditional procedure and the developed method. In this regard, some issues are studied including the effect of structural period and shape of the design spectrum on the results. Contribution of the proposed enhancement on the standard particle swarm intelligence has improved its explorative capability resulting in higher efficiency of the algorithm.
S. Amini-Moghaddam, M. I. Khodakarami, B. Nikpoo,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

This paper aims to obtain the optimal distance between the adjacent structures using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm considering structure-soil-structure systems; The optimization algorithm has been prepared in MATLAB software and connected into OpenSees software (where the structure-soil-structure system has been analyzed by the direct approach). To this end, a series of adjacent structures with various slenderness have been modeled on the three soil types according to Iranian seismic code (Standard No. 2800) using the direct method. Then they have been analyzed under six earthquake excitations with different risk levels (low, moderate, and high).
The results are compared with the proposed values of separation gap between adjacent structures in the Iranian seismic code (Standard No. 2800). Results show that since structures with the same height constructed on a stiff soil will move in the same phase, there is no need to put distance between them. Although, the structures with the height more than 6-story frames where are located on a soft soil are needed to be separated. Additionally, the results show more separation gap between two adjacent structures when the risk level of earthquake is high. In general, the values which are presented in Standard No. 2800 are not suitable for low /moderate-rise structures specially when they are subjected to a high-risk level earthquake and are located on a soft soil and this separation gap should be increased about 10 to 90 percentage depend on the conditions but these values are appropriate for the adjacent structures with same height where are subjected to a low-risk level earthquakes built on soft soil.
A. Kaveh, S. Rezazadeh Ardebili,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

This paper deals with the optimum design of the mixed structures that consists of two parts, a lower part made of concrete and an upper part made of steel. Current codes and available commercial software packages do not provide analytical solutions for such structural systems, especially if a decoupled analysis is performed where the lower part is excited by ground motion and its response of total accelerations is used for the upper part. Due to irregular damping ratios, mass and stiffness, dynamic response of each part of a mixed structure differs significantly. The present paper aims at comparing of the optimum design of these structures under the coupled and decoupled models. Toward that goal, the coupled and decoupled time history analyses are performed and the optimum design of the two methods are compared. The results of the two approach show that the cost of the decoupled analysis is higher than the cost of the coupled analysis and the design of the decoupled method may be uneconomical, because the interaction between the two upper and lower parts is neglected.

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