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Showing 61 results for Truss

Ali Kaveh, Siamak Talatahari,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Optimal design of large-scale structures is a rather difficult task and the computational efficiency of the currently available methods needs to be improved. In view of this, the paper presents a modified Charged System Search (CSS) algorithm. The new methodology is based on the combination of CSS and Particle Swarm Optimizer. In addition, in order to improve optimization search, the sequence of tasks entailed by the optimization process is changed so that the updating of the design variables can directly be performed after each movement. In this way, the new method acts as a single-agent algorithm while preserving the positive characteristics of its original multi-agent formulation.
Hossein Rahami, Ali Kaveh, M. Aslani, R. Najian Asl,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2011)

In this paper a hybrid algorithm based on exploration power of the Genetic algorithms and exploitation capability of Nelder Mead simplex is presented for global optimization of multi-variable functions. Some modifications are imposed on genetic algorithm to improve its capability and efficiency while being hybridized with Simplex method. Benchmark test examples of structural optimization with a large number of variables and constraints are chosen to show the robustness of the algorithm.
O. Hasançebi, S. Çarbaş,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2011)

This paper is concerned with application and evaluation of ant colony optimization (ACO) method to practical structural optimization problems. In particular, a size optimum design of pin-jointed truss structures is considered with ACO such that the members are chosen from ready sections for minimum weight design. The application of the algorithm is demonstrated using two design examples with practical design considerations. Both examples are formulated according to provisions of ASD-AISC (Allowable Stress Design Code of American Institute of Steel Institution) specification. The results obtained are used to discuss the computational characteristics of ACO for optimum design of truss type structures.
K.s. Lee, S.w. Han, Z.w. Geem,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Many methods have been developed for structural size and configuration optimization in which cross-sectional areas are usually assumed to be continuous. In most practical structural engineering design problems, however, the design variables are discrete. This paper proposes two efficient structural optimization methods based on the harmony search (HS) heuristic algorithm that treat both discrete sizing variables and integrated discrete sizing and continuous geometric variables. The HS algorithm uses a stochastic random search instead of a gradient search so the former has a new-paradigmed derivative. Several truss examples from the literature are also presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the new method, as compared to current optimization methods.
A. Kaveh, M. Kalateh-Ahani, M.s. Masoudi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Evolution Strategies (ES) are a class of Evolutionary Algorithms based on Gaussian mutation and deterministic selection. Gaussian mutation captures pair-wise dependencies between the variables through a covariance matrix. Covariance Matrix Adaptation (CMA) is a method to update this covariance matrix. In this paper, the CMA-ES, which has found many applications in solving continuous optimization problems, is employed for size optimization of steel space trusses. Design examples reveal competitive performance of the algorithm compared to the other advanced metaheuristics.
S. Shojaee, S. Hasheminasab,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Although Genetic algorithm (GA), Ant colony (AC) and Particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) have already been extended to various types of engineering problems, the effects of initial sampling beside constraints in the efficiency of algorithms, is still an interesting field. In this paper we show that, initial sampling with a special series of constraints play an important role in the convergence and robustness of a metaheuristic algorithm. Random initial sampling, Latin Hypercube Design, Sobol sequence, Hammersley and Halton sequences are employed for approximating initial design. Comparative studies demonstrate that well distributed initial sampling speeds up the convergence to near optimal design and reduce the required computational cost of purely random sampling methodologies. In addition different penalty functions that define the Augmented Lagrangian methods considered in this paper to improve the algorithms. Some examples presented to show these applications.
S. Kazemzadeh Azad, S. Kazemzadeh Azad ,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Nature-inspired search algorithms have proved to be successful in solving real-world optimization problems. Firefly algorithm is a novel meta-heuristic algorithm which simulates the natural behavior of fireflies. In the present study, optimum design of truss structures with both sizing and geometry design variables is carried out using the firefly algorithm. Additionally, to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, modifications in the movement stage of artificial fireflies are proposed. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, optimum designs found are compared to the previously reported designs in the literature. Numerical results indicate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach.
A. Hadidi, A. Kaveh, B. Farahmand Azar, S. Talatahari, C. Farahmandpour,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2011)

In this paper, an efficient optimization algorithm is proposed based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA) to optimize truss structures. The proposed algorithm utilizes the PSO for finding high fitness regions in the search space and the SA is used to perform further investigation in these regions. This strategy helps to use of information obtained by swarm in an optimal manner and to direct the agents toward the best regions, resulting in possible reduction of the number of particles. To show the computational advantages of the new PSO-SA method, some benchmark numerical examples are studied. The PSO-SA algorithm converges to better or at least the same solutions, while the number of structural analyses is significantly reduced
S. Gholizadeh, A. Barzegar , Ch. Gheyratmand,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2011)

The main aim of the present study is to propose a modified harmony search (MHS) algorithm for size and shape optimization of structures. The standard harmony search (HS) algorithm is conceptualized using the musical process of searching for a perfect state of the harmony. It uses a stochastic random search instead of a gradient search. The proposed MHS algorithm is designed based on elitism. In fact the MHS is a multi-staged version of the HS and in each stage a new harmony memory is created using the information of the previous stages. Numerical results reveal that the proposed algorithm is a powerful optimization technique with improved exploitation characteristics compared with the standard HS.
S. Kazemzadeh Azad , S. Kazemzadeh Azad, A. Jayant Kulkarni,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2012)

The present study is an attempt to propose a mutation-based real-coded genetic algorithm (MBRCGA) for sizing and layout optimization of planar and spatial truss structures. The Gaussian mutation operator is used to create the reproduction operators. An adaptive tournament selection mechanism in combination with adaptive Gaussian mutation operators are proposed to achieve an effective search in the design space. The standard deviation of design variables is used as a key factor in the adaptation of mutation operators. The reliability of the proposed algorithm is investigated in typical sizing and layout optimization problems with both discrete and continuous design variables. The numerical results clearly indicated the competitiveness of MBRCGA in comparison with previously presented methods in the literature.
D.a. de Souza Junior, F.a.r. Gesualdo , Lívia M. P. Ribeiro,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2012)

This paper presents the study of the optimized bi-dimensional wood structures, truss type, applying the method of genetic algorithms. Assessment is performed by means of a computer program called OPS (Optimization of Plane Structures). The purpose is to meet the optimum geometric configuration taking into account the volume reduction. Different strategies are considered for the positioning of diagonals and struts in the upper chord. It is concluded that the trussed system efficiency depends on the dimensions and the position of the members, where the purlin’s location is not mandatory for struts and diagonal positions.
S. Gholizadeh, H. Barati,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2012)

In the present study, the computational performance of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) harmony search (HS) and firefly algorithm (FA), as popular metaheuristics, is investigated for size and shape optimization of truss structures. The PSO was inspired by the social behavior of organisms such as bird flocking. The HS imitates the musical performance process which takes place when a musician searches for a better state of harmony, while the FA was based on the idealized behavior of the flashing characteristics of natural fireflies. These algorithms were inspired from different natural sources and their convergence behavior is focused in this paper. Several benchmark size and shape optimization problems of truss structures are solved using PSO, HS and FA and the results are compared. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of FA to HS and PSO.
S. Talatahari, M. Nouri, F. Tadbiri,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Over the past few years, swarm intelligence based optimization techniques such as ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization have received considerable attention from engineering researchers. These algorithms have been used in the solution of various structural optimization problems where the main goal is to minimize the weight of structures while satisfying all design requirements imposed by design codes. In this paper, artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is utilized to optimize different skeletal structures. The results of the ABC are compared with the results of other optimization algorithms from the literature to show the efficiency of this technique for structural design problems.
H. Eskandar, A. Sadollah , A. Bahreininejad,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Water cycle algorithm (WCA) is a new metaheuristic algorithm which the fundamental concepts of WCA are derived from nature and are based on the observation of water cycle process and how rivers and streams flow to sea in the real world. In this paper, the task of sizing optimization of truss structures including discrete and continues variables carried out using WCA, and the optimization results were compared with other well-known optimizers. The obtained statistical results show that the WCA is able to provide faster convergence rate and also manages to achieve better optimal solutions compared to other efficient optimizers.
A. Kaveh, V.r Kalatjari, M.h Talebpour , J. Torkamanzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Different methods are available for simultaneous optimization of cross-section, topology and geometry of truss structures. Since the search space for this problem is very large, the probability of falling in local optimum is considerably high. On the other hand, different types of design variables (continuous and discrete) lead to some difficulties in the process of optimization. In this article, simultaneous optimization of cross-section, topology and geometry of truss structures is performed by utilizing the Multi Heuristic based Search Method (MHSM) that overcome the above mentioned problem and obtains good results. The presented method performs the optimization by dividing the searching space into five subsections in which an MHSM is employed. These subsections are named procedure islands. Some examples are then presented to scrutinize the method more carefully. Results show the capabilities of the present algorithm for optimal design of truss structures.
A. Ahrari, A. A. Atai,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2013)

The prevalent strategy in the topology optimization phase is to select a subset of members existing in an excessively connected truss, called Ground Structure, such that the overall weight or cost is minimized. Although finding a good topology significantly reduces the overall cost, excessive growth of the size of topology space combined with existence of varied types of design variables challenges applicability of evolutionary algorithms tailored for simultaneous optimization of topology, shape and size (TSS) in more complicated cases which are of great practical interest. In practice, large-scale truss structures are often modular, formed by joining periodically repeated units. This article organizes a novel simulation approach for this class of truss structures where the main drawbacks of the ground structure-based simulation approach are greatly moderated. The two approaches are independently employed for simultaneous TSS optimization of a modular truss example and the size of topology space as well as the required computation budget to generate an acceptable candidate design is compared. Result comparison reveals by employing the novel approach, problem complexity grows linearly with respect to the number of modules which allows for expanding application of TSS optimizers to complex modular trusses. Use of relative coordinates is also warranted for shape optimization which concludes to a more efficient optimization process.
O. Hasançebi, S. Kazemzadeh Azad, S. Kazemzadeh Azad,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2013)

The present study attempts to apply an efficient yet simple optimization (SOPT) algorithm to optimum design of truss structures under stress and displacement constraints. The computational efficiency of the technique is improved through avoiding unnecessary analyses during the course of optimization using the so-called upper bound strategy (UBS). The efficiency of the UBS integrated SOPT algorithm is evaluated through benchmark sizing optimization problems of truss structures and the numerical results are reported. A comparison of the numerical results attained using the SOPT algorithm with those of modern metaheuristic techniques demonstrates that the employed algorithm is capable of locating promising designs with considerably less computational effort.
W. Cheng, F. Liu , L.j. Li,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)

A novel optimization algorithm named teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm and its implementation procedure were presented in this paper. TLBO is a meta-heuristic method, which simulates the phenomenon in classes. TLBO has two phases: teacher phase and learner phase. Students learn from teachers in teacher phases and obtain knowledge by mutual learning in learner phase. The suitability of TLBO for size and geometry optimization of structures in structural optimal design was tested by three truss examples. Meanwhile, these examples were used as benchmark structures to explore the effectiveness and robustness of TLBO. The results were compared with those of other algorithms. It is found that TLBO has advantages over other optimal algorithms in convergence rate and accuracy when the number of variables is the same. It is much desired for TLBO to be applied to the tasks of optimal design of engineering structures.
M. H. Makiabadi, A. Baghlani, H. Rahnema , M. A. Hadianfard,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2013)

In this study, teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm is employed for the first time for optimization of real world truss bridges. The objective function considered is the weight of the structure subjected to design constraints including internal stress within bar elements and serviceability (deflection). Two examples demonstrate the effectiveness of TLBO algorithm in optimization of such structures. Various design groups have been considered for each problem and the results are compared. Both tensile and compressive stresses are taken into account. The results show that TLBO has a great intrinsic capability in problems involving nonlinear design criteria.
L. J. Li, Z. H. Huang,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2014)

This paper presents an improved multi-objective group search optimizer (IMGSO) that is based on Pareto theory that is designed to handle multi-objective optimization problems. The optimizer includes improvements in three areas: the transition-feasible region is used to address constraints, the Dealer’s Principle is used to construct the non-dominated set, and the producer is updated using a tabu search and a crowded distance operator. Two objective optimization problems, the minimum weight and maximum fundamental frequency, of four truss structures were optimized using the IMGSO. The results show that IMGSO rapidly generates the non-dominated set and is able to handle constraints. The Pareto front of the solutions from IMGSO is clearly dominant and has good diversity.

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