cefsse- Research Projects
Research Projects

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  Titles of the Main Projects:

  • Optimal Analysis of Structures
  • Optimal Design of Structures
  • Analysis of Large-Scale Structures
  • Eigensolution of Symmetric Structures Using Group Theory
  • Eigensolution of Symmetric Structures Using Graph Products
  • Eigensolution of Symmetric Structures Using Linear Algebra
  • Canonical Forms for Eigensolution of Space Structures
  • Configuration Processing Using Graph Products
  • Plastic Analysis and Design Using Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithms
  • Application of Group Theory in Structural Mechanics
  • Application of Graph Theory in Structural Mechanics
  • Application of Matroids in Structural Mechanics
  • Design Acceleration Spectra
  • Studies in Earthquake Engineering Consisting of Seismic Hazard Analysis, Random Vibration and Nonlinear Dynamic Problems
  • Assesment of Liquefaction Triggering Using Strain Energy Concepts
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