cefsse- Administrative Staff

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Azzam Mennati Moheb


Date of birth25.05.1981 
Place of Birth



+98 21 77240540-48             Ex:6458


am_iust AT yahoo.com


Dipl.Natural Sciences  Tehran2001


Social Sciences (Research)Payame Noor UniversityTehran2011


Courses Attanded
  • Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Front Page, Internet, Ms-Dos
  • Complete acquentance with Internet
  • Complete acquentance with Corel Draw Software
  • Complete acquentance with Photoshop
  • Design and page setting of various Journals and Books utilizing InDesign Software

Work Experience

  • Page design of the Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
  • Page design of the Building, Housing and Engineering Sciences
  • Page design of the Journal of News in Construction and Housing
  • Responsibilty of issuing certificates the office for Excutive Vice President of the Building and Housing Research Centre
  • Executive member of during the perioid of the Conferences on Concrete and Developments in 2004 and 2008
  • Manager of the Office for Centre Excellence for Fundamental Studies in Structural Engineering

Research Interest

  • Determinants of Migration Among Elite University Students in Engineering (CASE STUDY: Iran University of Science and Technology), 2010.
  • Review the Role and Place Among the Elite of the Internet in Iran (Case Study: Faculty Member of Iran University of Science and Technology School of Civil Engineering), 2011.


  • A. Mennati, H. Zolghadr, Review the Role and Place Among the Elite of the Internet in Iran (Case Study: Faculty Member of Iran University of Science and Technology School of Civil Engineering), Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, No. 51, 13(2011) 143-167.
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