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Simultaneous topology and size optimization of structures by genetic algorithm using minimal length chromosome, ( A. Kaveh, M. Shahrouzi, 2006). A comparative study of algorithms for minimal cycle bases for efficient force method of frame analysis ( A. Kaveh, H. Fazli, 2007). Efficient finite element analysis by graph-theoretical force method; triangular and rectangular plate bending elements ( A. Kaveh, K. Koohestani, 2008). Particle swarm optimizer, ant colony strategy and harmony search scheme hybridized for ptimization of truss structures ( A. Kaveh, S. Talatahari, 2009). Improved group-theoretical method for eigenvalue problems of special symmetric structures, using graph theory ( A. Kaveh, M. Nikbakht, 2009). Structural variation theorems extended to integrated force method for the analysis of skeletal structures ( A. Kaveh, M. Najimi, 2009). Graph products with specified domains for configuration processing and formation of the adjacency matrices ( A. Kaveh, B. Alinejad, 2009). A general theorem for adjacency matrices of graph products and application in graph partitioning for parallel computing ( A. Kaveh, B. Alinejad, 2009). Eigensolution for Adjacency and Laplacian Matrices of Large Repetitive Structural Models, Scientia Iranica, (A. Kaveh, M. Nouri and Taghizadieh, 2009). Formation of graph models for regular finite element meshes, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, (A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, 2009). Improved group-theoretical method for eigenvalue problems of special symmetric structures, using graph theory, Advances in Engineering Software, (A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, 2010). Optimal design of Schwedler and ribbed domes; hybrid Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). A new four-node quadrilateral plate bending element for highly sparse and banded flexibility matrices, Acta Mechanica, (A. Kaveh and E. Naseri, 2010). An improved ant colony optimization for constrained engineering design problems, Engineering Computations, (A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, 2010). Eigenproblems of Symmetric Planar Frames, Scientia Iranica, (A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, 2009) 467-480. Cost optimization of composite floor system using an improved harmony search algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, (A. Kaveh and A. Shakouri Mahmud Abadi , 2010). Performance-based seismic design of steel frames using ant colony optimization Journal of Constructional Steel Research, (A. Kaveh, B. Farahmand Azar, A. Hadidi, F. Rezazadeh Sorochi and S. Talatahari, 2010). Hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization for the force method-based simultaneous analysis and design, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, (A. Kaveh and S. Malakouti Rad, 2010). A discrete Big Bang–Big Crunch algorithm for optimal design of skeletal structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). An improved ant colony optimization for design of steel frames, Engineering Structures, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). Improved group theoretic method using graphs products, for the analysis of symmetric-regular structures, Acta Mechanica, (A. Kaveh, M. Nikbakht and H. Rahami, 2010). Graph products with specified domains for configuration processing and formation of the adjacency matrices, Engineering Computations, (A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, 2010). Charged system search for optimum grillage systems design using the LRFD-AISC code , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). New graph products of specified domains for configuration processing, PAMM, (A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, 2010). Eigenfrequencies of symmetric planar trusses via weighted graph symmetry and new canonical forms, Engineering Computations, (A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, 2010). A charged system search with a fly to boundary method for discrete optimum design of truss structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). Vibration analysis of regular structures by graphs products: cable networks, Computers and Structures, (A. Kaveh, H. Rahami and M. Nikbakht, 2010). Corrigendum to: particle swarm optimizer, ant colony strategy and harmony search scheme hybridized for optimization of truss structures, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). Optimal design of truss structures via the charged system search algorithm, Structural Multidisplinary Optimization, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). Rotation as a general operation for configuration processing, Scientia Iranica, (A. Kaveh, X. Jia and Q. Weng, 2010). Suboptimal cycle bases of graphs using an ant colony system algorithm, Engineering Computations, (A. Kaveh and M. Daei, 2010). A novel heuristic optimization method: charged system search, Acta Mechanica, DOI: 10.1007/s00707-009-0270-4, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). Formation Efficient buckling and free vibration analysis of cyclically repeated space truss structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, (A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, 2010). Optimum design of skeletal structures using imperialist competitive algorithm, Computers and Structures, (A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 2010). An efficient analysis of repetitive structures generated by graph products, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, 2010). Block Circulant Matrices and Applications in Free Vibration Analysis of Cyclically Repetitive Structures, Acta Mechania, (A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, 2011).